The New Cooperation Paradigm of Government and Sports Organization in Anti-Doping Governance Based on the Theory of Reflexive Law
Graphical Abstract
Anti-doping governance needs the cooperation of government and sport organizations.By the analysis of the goverment intervention against doping as well as the obstacles for the cooperation, it is stated that the problem is how to define the border between the two.The theory of reflexive law in sociology of law, the goal of which is to help the sub-system to establish self-reflexive structure internally rather than to create detailed and authoritative rules and power intervention, was thus introduced.In so doing a new anti-doping paradigm can be completed, in which government can optimize the internal discourse procedure, and assist the sports organization to establish a semi-autonomous anti-doping system from the aspects of information, organization structure, power and function, etc.The anti-doping governance strategy was finally put foward in the framework of relfexive law.