





Status and Influence Factors for Female Sport Researcher's Output-Taking the Researchers Who Published Papers in Sport Science 2000-2015 for Example

  • 摘要: 采用定量统计与质性研究方法,以2000-2015年《体育科学》载文作者为例,分析女性体育科研人员的科研产出现状及影响因素。结果显示:各年龄、职称层次女性研究者的科研产出量均显著低于男性;学术兴趣、能力潜质和学术目标等是影响其科研产出的主要因素。提出:应推动现代化性别建设与促进科技政策制度改革,建立社会性别意识与改革高校内部管理制度,构建社群平台,优化与促进女性科研人员交流环境,以减少体育科研领域的性别差异。


    Abstract: With the methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis, the study selected the female researchers who published papers in Sport Science 2000-2015 to explore their research output and the influential factors.The findings show that their outputs were all significantly lower than that of male researchers whether in different ages or academic titles.And the academic interest, potentials and goals are the major factors to influence their research output.The study proposed that modernized gender differentiation and science-technology policy reform should be conducted; gender consciousness and self-governance system for universities and colleges should be established; social platform should be built to promote the communication environment for female researchers, thus to decrease the issues caused by gender difference.


