





Latest Hotspot and Evolution about Domestic and Foreign Study on Table Tennis

  • 摘要: 以CNKI和WOS收录的乒乓球相关文献为研究对象,利用Cite SpaceⅢ分析软件对1992-2016年国内乒乓球研究的676篇文献及2006-2016年国外乒乓球研究的238篇文献进行科学计量与可视化分析。结果显示:国内乒乓球研究历经探索、快速发展、稳定及成熟阶段;国外作者合作与机构合作聚类分布较国内更显著;国内近期研究热点聚焦乒乓球运动员大赛心理状态、乒乓球文化与传播、乒超联赛管理与运营、乒乓球哲学和战术行为博弈论分析等;国外重点关注乒乓球运动员击球的动力学特征、比赛过程中的能量代谢特征及心理变化特征等方面。提出:未来乒乓球研究应深挖研究主题,定位新兴研究群体,规范研究方法,拓展研究视角。


    Abstract: The study selected the literature about table tennis from CNKI and Web of Science, using the software Citespace Ⅲ, to conducted the visualized analysis of 676 domestic table tennis papers published from 1992 to 2016 and 238 foreign papers from 2006 to 2016.The results show that the domestic evolution of research goes through 3 stages, that is, exploration, rapid development, and stable and mature stage.The cluster of foreign authors and institution cooperation are more remarkable than domestic ones.While the Chinese researchers are more attentive of the athletes' competition psychological state, the table tennis culture and its communication, the management and operation of table tennis super league, the table tennis philosophy and the game theory of tactical behaviors, etc., the foreign researchers focus more on the dynamic characteristics of ball-hitting for table tennis players, the characteristics of energy metabolism and psychological changes in the process of competitions etc.The future research for table tennis study should be on deeper topics, the new research groups, the standardized research methods and the expanded research perspectives, which is of great significance to promote the internationalized development of table tennis study.


