





Health-related Physical Fitness Test of VI Youngsters in US and Its Revelation

  • 摘要: 对美国《视障青少年健康体适能测试》的目标、内容、指标、管理及研制过程等方面开展研究。结果显示:测试目标是建立一个有效的以参照标准进行评价的标准,用于科学评估视障青少年的健康体适能水平,以帮助他们提高抗疾病风险和独立生活的能力;测试内容与测试指标的设置主要基于视障青少年身心特征、健康关注、患病风险及个性化需求;测试标准值与评价分区的设置主要参照测试指标与相关疾病风险的关联阈值、生长发育特征、数据分析以及专家建议等;研制过程遵循一定的程序,测试管理符合一定的通则、特殊规则及安全规范。据此提出对构建我国视障学生体质健康测试体系的启示。


    Abstract: The study conducted the analysis of test target, items, indexes, management and procedures of Health-related Physical Fitness Test of VI Youngsters in US. The results show that the test target is to build a criterion-referenced standard for them to evaluate their fitness status as well as to improve their ability away from health risk and independent living. The test items and indexes are based on their physical characteristics, health desire and personal needs; Settings of standards and fitness zones are mainly established from expert opinion by reviewing norm-referenced data sets, by considering valves used in clinical settings, and by consulting recommendations or research results found in the literature. Test should follow a certain procedure and the administration needs to conform to some common rules and safety specifications. It puts forward the revelation for the construction of physical fitness and health standards of VI youngsters in China.


