





Reform and Integration: Effect and Future Development Strategy for Youth Campus Football

  • 摘要: 从发展体系、发展机制、发展动力3个维度对青少年校园足球发展成效进行梳理,认为:青少年校园足球构建了教学体系、竞赛体系、训练体系、保障体系、宣传教育体系,探索了推广普及机制、工作推进机制、融合机制,调动了教育、体育部门的内生动力。基于青少年校园足球发展中存在的不平衡、不充分、不完善问题,提出青少年校园足球的未来发展策略:进一步夯实校园足球基础,创新推广普及体系衔接机制;进一步适应校园足球新形势,创新体育教育融合机制;进一步打造校园足球平台,优化发展路径协调机制;进一步扩大校园足球影响力,提升宣传教育协同效应。


    Abstract: The results of youth campus football development in China are explored from three dimensions, that is, development system, mechanism and driving force. It is believed that the youth campus football has constructed a teaching system, competition system, training system, security system as well as the publicity and education system. Also, the publicity mechanism, work promotion mechanism and integration mechanism have been explored to mobilize the endogenous force of education and sports departments. Based on the unbalanced, insufficient and imperfect situations exposed in the development of youth campus football, the development strategies are put forward: to innovate the link mechanism of publicity system to further consolidate the foundation of campus football; to innovate the sport-education integration mechanism to adapt to the new situation; to optimize the development coordination mechanism to further build campus football platforms; to promote publicity-education coordination effect to further expand the influence for youth campus football.


