





Research on Ancient Chinese Thought for Sport: Progress, Problems, and Conception

  • 摘要: 作为中国体育思想研究的特殊分支,古代体育思想研究在完善中国体育理论与实践宝库的同时,也潜藏了不少问题与困惑。运用文本分析与逻辑思辨方法,对中国古代体育思想研究进展及成就予以全面审视,在总结经验、揭示局限的基础上,有针对性地提出规范化研究思路。中国古代体育思想已有研究的基本特征主要体现为:宏观审视与微观探析并存、历史考察与现实评析并重、要义梳整与学理反思并立、论点移植与关系阐释并进;学术贡献为思想史学架构初步确立、人物思想研究范式基本成型、多元交互的研究格局日益凸显;暴露的问题包括研究边界模糊而难以精准划定、历史逻辑断裂而难以完整衔接、研究内容杂乱而难以自成体系、研究视点混淆而难以确切定位、研究范式虚设而难以稳步建构。中国古代体育思想未来研究的理路构想:依照体育之身体活动特质限定研究范围,基于特定发展主线重塑思想史之框架,科学纳入及拓展视角以规整研究议题,加快创建学科范式并推进个案范式深化。


    Abstract: As a special research branch of Chinese thought for sport, the study of thought for ancient sport in China has not only enriched the theory and practice of Chinese sport, but also exposed many problems and confusions. Using methods of text analysis and logical reasoning, this study examines the progress and achievements of the research on ancient Chinese sport thought, and proposes targeted and standardized research ideas. It is found that the basic characteristics of the existing research are mainly reflected in the coexistence of macro and micro analysis, the equal emphasis on historical and realistic examination, the integration of essence sorting and theoretical reflection, and the co-advance of arguments borrowing and relationship interpretation. Furthermore, the academic contributions of research on ancient Chinese thought for sport include the initial establishment of the ideological history framework, of the research paradigm of famous characters' thought, and of the diverse and interactive research pattern. The problems exposed in the research are as follows: blurred research boundaries make it difficult to accurately define, broken historical logic makes it difficult to fulfill the link, disorderly research content makes it difficult to form its own system, confused research perspectives make it difficult to be positioned, and empty research paradigms make it difficult to construct steadily. The promotion strategy for future research is to limit the research scope based on the physical activity characteristics of sport, reshape the framework of intellectual history based on specific development themes, incorporate and expand perspectives scientifically to regulate research topics, accelerate the creation of disciplinary paradigms and promote case paradigms.


