





Problem Evaluation, Action Reflection and Direction Optimization of the Ideological and Political Education in Physical Education Courses in Colleges and Universities

  • 摘要: 体育课程思政与思政课程同向同行,共同肩负着培养更多让党放心、爱国奉献、担当民族复兴重任的时代新人的使命。近年来,高校体育课程思政建设在取得一系列进展与成果的同时,也面临着需要继续优化适应和改进升级的需求,在建设实践中需要全面审度体育课程和思政教育如何有效融合、体育课程思政元素发掘方法的组合使用、课程思政如何融入体育课堂教学建设全过程、体育教师课程思政建设意识和能力的改进等问题。同时需要不断反思高校体育课程思政建设行动的“长项”和“弱点”,对体育课程思政建设中需要遵循的专业教育与价值塑造相统一、显性教育目标与隐性教育渠道相统一、统筹协调与分类指导相统一、总结传续与创新探索相统一等内在要求进行修正与完善;对存在的覆盖面不够全、类型仍旧单一、层次递进较弱、缺乏相互支撑等突出短板进行识别和补足。在此基础上,通过强化思政课程引领、开展课程分类指导、规范课堂教学管理、依托各级教研平台、改进质量监测评价等,重构高校体育课程思政建设的现实样态和未来图景,为优化体育课程思政建设路向提供多样化的理论引导与行动支持。


    Abstract: Ideology-politics-education-led physical education (PE) courses go hand in hand with the ideological and political courses, and shoulder the mission of training more new patriotic and devoted generations who can take on the important task of national rejuvenation. In recent years, the ideological and political education of PE courses in colleges and universities has made a lot of achievements, but faces the need to further optimize and upgrade in the practice of construction. Also, it is necessary to fully examine the effective integration of PE courses and ideological-political education, the combined use of the methods to explore ideological and political elements in PE courses, how to integrate the ideological and political elements into the whole process of PE classroom teaching, and the improvement of PE teachers' consciousness and ability of ideological and political education in PE courses. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly reflect on the"strengths" and "weaknesses" of the ideological and political education in PE courses colleges and universities. Such principles should be abide by as the unification between the professional education and values molding, between the explicit educational goal and the implicit educational channel, between the overall planning and the classified guidance, and between the inheritance and the innovation. The problems, involving insufficient coverage, single types, weak progressive levels, the lack of mutual support, need to be identified and complemented. Only by strengthening the ideological and political courses leading, curriculum classification guidance, standardizing classroom teaching management, relying on the platform of teaching and research at all levels, improving quality supervision and evaluation, and reconstructing the realistic pattern and future prospect of ideological and political education in PE courses, can diversified theoretical guidance and action support be provided for optimizing the direction of ideological and political education in PE courses in colleges and universities.


