





Construction of an Independent Knowledge System of Chinese Wushu

  • 摘要: 建构中华武术学自主知识体系是构建全方位、全领域、全要素哲学社会科学的有机构成。聚焦建构中华武术学自主知识体系,在内涵阐释基础上认为:建构原则是赓续文脉、接续传统以体现继承性与民族性,创新引领、与时偕行以体现原创性与时代性,纲举目张、广博精专以体现系统性与专业性;总体思路是扎根文化、彰显自信以确立本土性与独立性,交融互鉴、筑牢根基以促进融通性与稳定性,承旧启新、经世致用以塑造创新性与实用性。在此基础上,从历史、文化、传播、教育、竞技、健康、产业、非物质文化遗产等8个方向,提炼和阐析中华武术学自主知识体系的核心架构及内容,旨在为推动建设具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的哲学社会科学体系发挥应有作用。


    Abstract: The construction of an independent knowledge system of Chinese Wushu is an organic component of the construction of an all-round, all-field, and all-element philosophy and social science. This study focuses on the construction of an independent knowledge system of Chinese Wushu, on the basis of connotation interpretation, believes that the construction should follow the principles of the sticking to cultural context and the tradition to reflect the inheritance and nationality, the innovation-led to reflect originality and the times, the focus on grasping key points and on the comprehensive, learned, refined and specialized to reflect the systematization and professionalism. The general idea is to be culturally rooted and self-confident to establish locality and independence. In addition, exchanges and mutual learning as well as the solid foundation construction should be followed to promote the integration and stability. Finally, we should carry on the old and start the new, seek truth and be pragmatic to shape innovation and practicality. On this basis, this paper explores the core structure and content of the independent knowledge system of Chinese wushu from the eight dimensions of history, culture, communication, education, competition, health, industry and intangible cultural heritage, aiming to play its due role in promoting the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese manner.


