





The National Sports Science Conferences Help the Development of Sports Science Research in China in the Past 60 Years: Evolution, Achievements and Prospects

  • 摘要: 全国体育科学大会(以下简称“体科会”)在助力我国体育科学研究发展的60年征程中发挥着举足轻重的作用,对其历史演进、显著成就等进行深入研究,能为其更高水平助力我国体育科学发展提供思路。我国体育科学研究历经了“引介国外理念,发展自然科学”— “人文观念融入,走向协调发展”— “体育服务实践,创新驱动发展”— “科技助力奥运,倡导全民健身”— “科技赋能体育,建设体育强国”等5次阶段性的议题转向,取得了研究领域不断拓宽、研究内容日益丰富、研究方法趋于综合、研究主题聚焦热点、研究服务社会需求等历史性成就。展望未来,体科会应明确会议发展定位、加强会议组织建设、丰富会议内容形式、强化会议对外衔接、提升会议学术创新和深化会议国际交流等,以此更好地助力我国体育科学研究高质量发展。


    Abstract: The National Sports Science Conferences play a pivotal role in helping the sports science research in China in the past 60 years. The in-depth study on its historical achievements can guide the conference's development at a higher level. The sports science research in China has undergone five stages of issues, that is, "introducing foreign concepts, attaching importance to natural research"−"integrating humanistic concepts, moving toward comprehensive development"−"sports serving the practice, innovation driving the development"−"science-technology assisting the Olympic Games, advocating national fitness"−"science and technology empowering sports, building a sports power". The field of sports science research has been continuously expanded, its content increasingly enriched, its methods more comprehensive, its topics focused on, and its results serving the needs of society. Looking ahead to the future, the National Sports Science Conferences should clarify its conference development positioning, strengthen the organizational construction of the congress, enrich its content and form, improve its external connection, attach importance to the research innovation and deepen the international exchange, so that it will better help our sports science research with high quality.


