





Physiology Advances and Reflections on the Integrative Physiology of Exercise and Cardiac Protection

  • 摘要: 从心脏自身、远隔器官和中枢调控等方面系统梳理心脏从运动中获益的相关文献,探讨其机制,对促进大众和心脏病患者认识、理解和信任运动对心脏的保护作用,推动基础研究与临床应用的融合,具有重要的理论和现实意义。梳理文献发现,运动可直接降低罹患心脏病的风险,改善心脏结构和损伤,并优化心脏代谢效率。同时,运动通过促进骨骼肌、肾、肝和脂肪等远隔器官或组织分泌“运动因子”,调节肠道菌群及其代谢产物,保护心脏。基于中枢多器官调控网络,运动可通过中枢调节心脏自主神经活动,优化心血管反射敏感性,并通过“脑-心”轴、“肠-脑”轴和“肝-脑”轴等多轴途径改善心功能。提出心脏运动康复从基础研究转化至临床应用过程中的机遇与挑战,“运动模拟物”开发、实验动物模型、远程康复的安全性和高效精准运动指南等方面均值得高度关注。同时,关注神经心脏病学发展和“脑心同治”“脑心共研”“脑心同康”对揭示运动的“脑心同康”机制具有重要意义。


    Abstract: This study reviewed the literature on cardiac protection from exercises in terms of the cardiac, remote organs and central nervous system. The mechanism is explored, which has significance in improving the mass and heart-disease patients' cognition, understanding and trusting exercises' role in cardiac protection, push the combination of the basic research and clinic application, etc. Exercise directly reduces the risk of heart disease, improves heart damage, and optimizes cardiac metabolism and function. At the same time, exercise can indirectly protect the heart through metabolites of the intestinal flora and "exerkines" from the skeletal muscle, kidney, liver, and adipose tissue. Based on the comprehensive neural regulatory network, exercise can improve cardiac function by regulating cardiac autonomic nerve activity through the "brain-heart" axis, "gut-brain" axis and "liver-brain" axis, and optimize cardiovascular reflexes. On this basis, "exercise simulators", experimental animal models, telerehabilitation safety, efficient and accurate exercise guidelines, etc., are the opportunities and challenges faced by cardiac exercise rehabilitation when the basic research will be transferred into clinic practice. Notably, the advancement of neurocardiology is of paramount importance in elucidating the mechanism of "synchronous rehabilitation for brain and heart" in exercise.


