





Mission, Challenges, and Solutions for Physical Education Teachers' Role in Health Education in the New Era

  • 摘要: 采用文献资料等方法分析体育教师肩负健康教育使命的基本逻辑、践行健康教育使命面临的现实困境,提出促进体育教师履行健康教育使命的优化路径。认为,体育教师承担和肩负健康教育使命是贯彻落实健康中国战略的时代呼唤,是中国基础教育课程改革的历史抉择,符合学生身心健康发展的现实诉求。当前体育教师践行健康教育使命的困境主要有:健康教育乏力,体育教师健康教育专业素养相对偏低;资格认证缺位,体育教师健康教育专业性、合法性存疑;角色认同危机,体育教师健康教育主动性、积极性不高;保障机制缺失,体育教师健康教育合理利益诉求难以落实;权责范围模糊,体育教师健康教育主体责任意识不强;等等。提出:优化职前体育教师健康教育体系,广泛开展在职体育教师健康教育专题培训;以“课程本位”的资格认证为突破点,建立健全体育教师健康教育资格认证制度;强化体育教师健康教育角色认同,搭建体育教师健康教育专业学习与发展平台;重视体育教师健康教育工作,制定统一规范的健康教育工作绩效考核标准;明确体育教师健康教育岗位职责,积极探索长效的学校健康教育工作机制。


    Abstract: Through literature review and other methods, this study examines the underlying principles of physical education teachers' role in health education, the practical difficulties they face, and the optimized approaches to support them in fulfilling this mission. The study finds that physical education teachers' commitment to health education is an essential response to the "Healthy China" strategy, a critical choice in China's foundational education reform, and a necessary step for promoting students' physical and mental well-being. Currently, physical education teachers face several challenges in health education: insufficient emphasis on the health education, relatively low health education expertise among teachers, the absence of certification, and the questions around the professionalism and legitimacy of health education roles. Other issues include the lack of role recognition, low initiative and motivation among teachers, inadequate support mechanisms, difficulty in fulfilling reasonable demands related to health education, and vague definitions of responsibilities that dilute teachers' awareness of their core roles in health education. To address these challenges, proposes are to optimize health education training in pre-service physical education teacher programs by expanding specialized in-service health education training, use curriculum-based certification to establish a comprehensive health education certification system, strengthen teachers' professional identity in health education, create platforms for teachers' professional growth, emphasize the health education work of physical education teacher, establish standardized performance evaluation criteria, and clarify teachers' job responsibilities in health education while exploring sustainable school-based health education mechanisms.


