





Potential Impact Mechanism of Hypoxic Exercises for Metabolic Syndrome

  • 摘要: 结合高海拔环境的低氧条件与常规运动特点的低氧运动在改善代谢性疾病方面展现出显著潜力,但针对其最佳剂量、干预机制及个性化方案的研究仍不充分。对现有文献进行综述发现:低氧运动通过激活AMPK和HIF-1α信号通路,增强脂肪氧化和葡萄糖代谢,随后有效减轻体重、降低体脂率及增强胰岛素敏感性,最终改善全身代谢功能。建议:肥胖患者在15%氧体积分数的低氧环境中进行持续4~12周、每周至少3次、每次暴露时间控制在60 min的中低强度有氧运动。尽管低氧运动对糖尿病的治疗效果与安全性已得到初步验证,但对具体的最佳低氧运动干预方案仍未达成一致,而对于NAFLD和高血压目前的研究仍主要集中在机制探讨、单一低氧暴露或运动干预上,尚未形成系统的治疗方案。


    Abstract: The hypoxic exercise, combined the hypoxic condition in high-altitude environment and characteristics of regular exercises, presents a significant potential in improving metabolic diseases, but the research remains insufficient in terms of the optimal dosage, intervention mechanism and individualized plans. The existing literature review finds that hypoxic exercise can strengthen fat oxidation and glucose metabolism through activating the AMPK and HIF-1α signal passage, then effectively reduce weight and body fat rate and enhance insulin sensitivity, finally improve the general metabolic function. It is suggested that moderate intermittent hypoxic-hyperoxic training (IHHT) at oxygen volume concentrations of 15%, conducted for 4 to 12 weeks with 3 to 5 sessions per week, is an effective intervention for improving metabolic diseases in obesity patients. So far the effect and safety of hypoxic exercise on diabetes treatment has been initially proved, but the best intervention program has been in dispute, and the research on NAFLD and high blood-pressure is still on such issues as the mechanism, singular hypoxic exposure or exercise intervention, with the systematic treatment program to be fulfilled.


