




张健,姚慧玲.体育行政权力清单制度的运行状况与规范策略——以31个省级体育行政部门的权力清单为样本[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(2):88-96. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.09.06.0005
引用本文: 张健,姚慧玲.体育行政权力清单制度的运行状况与规范策略——以31个省级体育行政部门的权力清单为样本[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(2):88-96. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.09.06.0005
ZHANG Jian, YAO Huiling. Operation and Normative Strategy on the System of Sports Administrative Power List: Based on the Power Lists of 31 Provincial Sports Administrative Departments[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(2): 88-96. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.09.06.0005
Citation: ZHANG Jian, YAO Huiling. Operation and Normative Strategy on the System of Sports Administrative Power List: Based on the Power Lists of 31 Provincial Sports Administrative Departments[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(2): 88-96. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.09.06.0005


Operation and Normative Strategy on the System of Sports Administrative Power ListBased on the Power Lists of 31 Provincial Sports Administrative Departments

  • 摘要: 体育行政权力清单制度是实现体育行政部门职能转变、推进体育治理现代化的创新之举。该制度的规范化运作来源于权力清单从编制到执行全过程的合法性,具体体现在“清权”“确权”“晒权”“制权”等基本环节。考察31个省级体育行政部门的权力清单运行状况,发现我国地方体育行政权力清单的职权类型划分标准不一、各省(区、市)各类职权数量差异明显、职权设定依据多元化、清单内容要素与权力运行流程形式多样,反映出目前体育行政权力清单制度建设存在权力梳理标准与勘定规则不完善、清单制定主体缺乏有效制约、权力运行责任监督机制不健全等问题。未来应通过规范清单梳理标准与规则、构建清单制定的外部制约机制、同步构建权力监督问责体系等策略予以规范。


    Abstract: The system of sports administrative power list is an innovative measure to realize the transformation of the functions of sports departments and promote the modernization of sports governance. The standardized operation of the system derives from the legitimacy of the whole process of the preparation of the list of powers, which is embodied in the basic links such as "clearing power", "determining power", "exposing power" and "guaranteeing power". The operation of 31 provincial sports administrative power list in China is examined. It is found that there are different criteria for dividing the types of authority, obvious differences in the number of various types of authorities in various provinces, diversification of the basis of authority setting, various elements of list content and various forms of operation process of local sports administrative power list in China, reflecting the current construction of sports administrative power list system, such as imperfect standards and rules of power list's determining, lack of effective restriction of list-making subjects, and incomplete supervision mechanism of power operation responsibility. In the future, it should be regulated by normalizing the standards and rules when clearing up the list, establishing the external restriction mechanism of the list's formulation, and constructing supervision and accountability system simultaneously.


