




童春荣. 竞技体育伤害之刑民界限[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2017, 41(2): 55-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.02.010
引用本文: 童春荣. 竞技体育伤害之刑民界限[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2017, 41(2): 55-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.02.010
TONG Chunrong. Boundary between Criminal and Civil Injury in Sports[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, 41(2): 55-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.02.010
Citation: TONG Chunrong. Boundary between Criminal and Civil Injury in Sports[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, 41(2): 55-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.02.010


Boundary between Criminal and Civil Injury in Sports

  • 摘要: 竞技体育伤害的刑民纷争局限于客观危害的限度考量,纠葛于行业自治、民法调整和刑法规制的艰难抉择,徘徊于规范违反、法益侵害和社会相当性的标准认定,陷入客观危害定性竞技体育伤害刑民范畴的误区,难以溯源竞技体育伤害可归责于行为人的刑法非难基础。竞技体育伤害当否刑法调整包含客观危害和主观罪过,是两者的辩证统一。客观危害是行为人主观罪过的内容及其实现程度,主观罪过是客观危害得以发生的支配力量。竞技体育伤害的刑民区分在客观上以是否侵害全体公民人权为根据,在客观危害归咎于行为人的判断上以是否包含行为控制为依托,在该当刑法惩罚上以是否具备主观罪过为核心。具体而言,故意和合规过失是竞技体育伤害刑民规制的分水岭;合规过失和违规过失是民法和行政法调整的遵循圭臬;合规故意与轻微伤害是适用刑事和解的前提基础;以刑制罪是此罪与彼罪的决断依据。


    Abstract: The dispute between criminal injury and civil jury in competitive sports comes from the actual extent of injury, the options among the industrial autonomy, civil law adjustment and criminal law system, as well as the specification determination of the rule breach, legal interest infringement and social appropriateness, plus the misconception of criminal and civil boundary in qualitative analysis of sport injury. It also lies in the fact of difficulty to trace the criminal liability basis of the perpetrator. Law adjustment of injury in sports should distinguish objective harm from subjective fault, which is a dialectical unity. The objective harm is the content and degree of subjective guilt and the subjective fault is the objective hazard which has occurred. The distinction between criminal injury and civil injury in competitive sports should be based on the fact whether it is the infringement of human rights of all citizens, whether it is a controllable behavior in terms of the objective harm, and whether there is a subjective fault as to the punishment deserved. Specifically, deliberateness and compliance negligence is the boundary between civil and criminal regulations in competitive sports; compliance negligence and violation negligence is the yardstick to the adjustment of civil and administrative law; while compliance deliberateness and minor injury is the basis of criminal reconciliation, and punishment is given in accordance with the specific crimes.


