




张韧仁, 张忠秋. 国家跳水队队员备战国际大赛的身心状态及测评指标相关性探析[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2017, 41(4): 88-94. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.04.014
引用本文: 张韧仁, 张忠秋. 国家跳水队队员备战国际大赛的身心状态及测评指标相关性探析[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2017, 41(4): 88-94. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.04.014
ZHANG Renren, ZHANG Zhongqiu. Analysis of Correlation between the Physiological and Psychological State and Evaluation Indexes of Athletes in National Diving Team Preparing for World Sporting Events[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, 41(4): 88-94. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.04.014
Citation: ZHANG Renren, ZHANG Zhongqiu. Analysis of Correlation between the Physiological and Psychological State and Evaluation Indexes of Athletes in National Diving Team Preparing for World Sporting Events[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, 41(4): 88-94. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2017.04.014


Analysis of Correlation between the Physiological and Psychological State and Evaluation Indexes of Athletes in National Diving Team Preparing for World Sporting Events

  • 摘要:
      目的  监测国家跳水队队员备战国际大赛的身心状态并探析测评指标的相关性。
      方法  ① 采用血红蛋白(HGB)等指标,结合心境状态之疲劳、精力指标监测国家跳水队18名队员备战2015年喀山跳水世锦赛的身心状态;② 采用HGB等指标,结合心理疲劳指标监测国家跳水队13名队员备战2016年里约跳水世界杯赛期间的身心状态;③ 将生化与心理指标测量值进行双变量相关性分析。
      结果  ① 备战世锦赛队员COR水平最后2周急剧下降,但其他生化指标水平较为稳定,精力水平先骤降后稳定;② 备战世界杯赛队员IgG、IgM、IgA、HCT水平先上升后平稳,HGB水平持续上升,FE水平在集训最后2周上升,心理疲劳之成就感降低水平下降;③ 生化与心理指标测量值的相关性不具有统计学意义。
      结论  ① 备战世锦赛队员机能状态整体较稳定、精力水平先骤降后稳定,备战世界杯赛队员机能状态处于逐级改善态势、成就感水平提高;② 备战期间运动负荷合理、集训环境适宜以及领队和教练员决策合理且与世锦赛、世界杯赛的成绩相契合,但生化与心理指标监测互不可替且应将两者结合同步实施。


      Objectives  The physiological and psychological state of divers were monitored and an analysis was implemented to investigate the correlation of evaluation indexes when Chinese diving team was preparing for 2015 World Championships in Kazan and 2016 World Cup in Rio.
      Methods  Firstly, the biochemical indexes such as HGB, together with fatigue and vigor indexes were used to monitor the physiological and psychological state of the 18 athletes in Chinese diving team preparing for World Championship in Kazan.Secondly, the biochemical indexes such as HGB, combined with burnout indexes were used to monitor the physiological and psychological state of the 13 athletes in Chinese diving team preparing for World Cup in Rio.Finally, a bivariate correlation analysis was implemented between the biochemical indexes monitored and indexes of the physiological and psychological state evaluated.
      Results  ① COR level declined sharply in the last two weeks but other biochemical indexes were stable.Vigor level first declined sharply but then became stable when Chinese diving team were preparing for world championship; ② IgG, IgM, IgA, and HCT level first increased but then became stable; HGB level rose constantly; FE level increased in the last two weeks, with the declining of sense of accomplishment level of ABQ when Chinese diving team were preparing for world cup; ③ Statistically significant correlation did not appear between value of biochemical indexes and psychological indexes.
      Conclusion  ① The physiological state of Chinese divers was stable as a whole and the vigor level declined first sharply but then became stable when Chinese diving team were preparing for world championship; The physiological state of Chinese divers improved gradually and sense of accomplishment increased when preparing for world cup; ② Monitoring results showed that the exercise load was reasonable, training environment was suitable, the decisions of the team leader and coaches were reasonable, and the results agreed with achievements of world championship and world cup, but monitoring of biochemical indexes and assessing of psychological indexes could not replace each other, and therefore should implement both simultaneously.


