




李有强. 中国古典身体观的转捩:基于中国体育变迁史的考察[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(3): 92-99. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.03.014
引用本文: 李有强. 中国古典身体观的转捩:基于中国体育变迁史的考察[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(3): 92-99. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.03.014
LI Youqiang. The Transition of Chinese Classical Concept of Body: Based on the Evolution of Pre-modern Chinese Sport[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(3): 92-99. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.03.014
Citation: LI Youqiang. The Transition of Chinese Classical Concept of Body: Based on the Evolution of Pre-modern Chinese Sport[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(3): 92-99. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.03.014


The Transition of Chinese Classical Concept of Body: Based on the Evolution of Pre-modern Chinese Sport

  • 摘要: 在中国古代体育发展过程中,儒家、道家、中医身体观分别为仪式性、娱乐性和导引养生类体育活动赢得发展空间。这3种传统身体观的转换博弈,为马球这类对抗性体育活动保留了发展机遇。在中国现代体育发展过程中,传教士带来的西医身体观以直观形象的传播方式颠覆民众的身体认知,为西方现代体育的发展营造有利的知识环境;但现代体操能进入民众的身体实践,传统儒家身体观同样发挥了重要作用。随着进化论身体观和自然主义身体观的引入,儒道医身体观和西方现代身体观叠相呼应,最终促成西方现代体育的中国化。


    Abstract: During the development of ancient Chinese sports, the Confucian, Taoist and Chinese Traditional Medicine's concepts towards body won the reasonable development space for ritual sports activities, recreational sports activities and traditional health promoting sports activities. At the same time, the transition of these three body-thinking also retained the developing opportunities for the antagonistic sports activities like polo. In the process of modern sports development in China, the spread of the Western concept of physical body created a favorable knowledge environment for the development of modern Western sports.However when the modern gymnastics entered the people's physical practice, Confucian body view also played an important role.With the introduction of naturalism and evolutionism, the traditional body view and the western modern body view overlapped and echoed, and finally led to the western modern sports completely rooted and blossomed in China.


