




刘文武, 范燕美. 武术套路竞赛存在的问题反思[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(4): 67-72. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.04.010
引用本文: 刘文武, 范燕美. 武术套路竞赛存在的问题反思[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(4): 67-72. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.04.010
LIU Wenwu, FAN Yanmei. Reflections on the Current Existing Problems in Wushu Routine Competition[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(4): 67-72. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.04.010
Citation: LIU Wenwu, FAN Yanmei. Reflections on the Current Existing Problems in Wushu Routine Competition[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(4): 67-72. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.04.010


Reflections on the Current Existing Problems in Wushu Routine Competition

  • 摘要: 武术套路竞赛是武术竞赛体系的重要组成部分。以武术、美学等相关理论为基础,从属性之"约"、平衡之"惑"、速度之"结"、对练之"声"、难度之"权"、器械之"规"6个方面,对目前武术套路竞赛中存在的问题进行反思。提出:①武术技术动作创编和技术表现均应遵循武术的攻防本质属性;②不必将旋转性跳跃接落地平衡动作设置为指定难度动作;③在保证武术动作完整性,突出刚健扎实美的基础上再追求速度的提升;④重视武术对练中的吐字现象,尽快出台相应规则加以制止;⑤适当降低指定难度动作在整套武术技术评判中的权重,拓宽指定难度动作设置范围;⑥恢复"器械要达到一定长度和硬度"的规定,防止武术器械向杂耍化的方向发展。


    Abstract: Wushu routine competition is an important part of Wushu competitions.This study adopted the theories of Wushu and aesthetics to discuss the problems existing in Wushu routine competitions from 6 aspects of the "constraint" of the attribute, "confusion" of the balance, "complex" of the speed, "sound" of the pair exercise, "balance" of the difficulty, and "regulation" of the equipment.It holds that Wushu's technical movement composition and performance should follow its offensive and defensive attributes.And there is no need to name the movement of rotatory jump following the balanced landing to be the designated difficult movement.Speed should come after the completeness of the movement and the solid foundation.Articulation in Wushu pair exercise should be attached importance to and corresponding regulations be released to forbid this phenomenon as soon as possible.Also, designated difficult movement should be properly weighed down in the whole set of Wushu technical evaluation while the design range of designated difficult one should be expanded.Finally, the regulation of "Wushu equipment should be reached the required length and hardness" is supposed to be restored to prevent it from turning to juggling stage property.


