




尹永佩, 姜传银. “气本论”视角下太极拳本质:着熟·懂劲·神明[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(6): 104-110. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.06.014
引用本文: 尹永佩, 姜传银. “气本论”视角下太极拳本质:着熟·懂劲·神明[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2019, 43(6): 104-110. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.06.014
YIN Yongpei, JIANG Chuanyin. Essence of Taijiquan from the Theory of Qi: Mastering Movement, Understanding Force, Illuminating Mind[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(6): 104-110. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.06.014
Citation: YIN Yongpei, JIANG Chuanyin. Essence of Taijiquan from the Theory of Qi: Mastering Movement, Understanding Force, Illuminating Mind[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2019, 43(6): 104-110. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2019.06.014


Essence of Taijiquan from the Theory of Qi: Mastering Movement, Understanding Force, Illuminating Mind

  • 摘要: 通过文献调研,以"气本论"为视角探讨太极拳的本质内涵,着重对太极拳"着熟""懂劲"和"神明"进阶体系进行系统分析。认为:太极拳的"着熟"是找回先天固有的身心知觉;"懂劲"是觉知自我气脉流通的心理体验;"神明"是心神明透、自然无为的天人合一状态。指出:太极拳的3个进阶层面皆以"气"为缘起;太极拳的本质为"一气流行"的合道状态;太极拳是返本合"道"的途径。


    Abstract: By using document literature and other methods, this paper tries to explore the essence of Taijiquan from the theory of Qi.After analyzing the three stages of Taijiquan practicing in this way, we find that the gain of first stage (mastering movements) is to seek the congenital physical and mental consciousness, the gain of the second stage (understanding force) is to feel the inside cohesive flow of Qi and the gain of the third stage (illuminating mind) is to reach the clear and natural state.The three stages are all based on Qi which plays a very important role in Taijiquan practicing.The essence of Taijiquan can be concluded as an approach of "the flow of Qi" and "the turn of Tao".


