




姚颂平, 吴瑛, 马海峰. “运动员培养一般理论”学科的发展与奥运备战[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2020, 44(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.01.001
引用本文: 姚颂平, 吴瑛, 马海峰. “运动员培养一般理论”学科的发展与奥运备战[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2020, 44(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.01.001
YAO Songping, WU Ying, MA Haifeng. Development of Athlete Cultivating General Theory and Olympic Preparation[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2020, 44(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.01.001
Citation: YAO Songping, WU Ying, MA Haifeng. Development of Athlete Cultivating General Theory and Olympic Preparation[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2020, 44(1): 1-11. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.01.001


Development of Athlete Cultivating General Theory and Olympic Preparation

  • 摘要: 研究"运动员培养一般理论"形成的历史前提、方法学基础和发展现状,剖析运动训练经典理论的形成和发展,以奥运备战为主要方向,进一步加强和完善我国"运动员培养一般理论"的学科建设。在分析俄罗斯、我国和其他国家学者对"运动员培养一般理论"的学科发展贡献的基础上,提出用"运动员培养理论与方法"替代"竞技运动理论"作为学科名称的设想;进而阐述俄罗斯著名学者Л.П.马特维也夫创立的运动训练分期理论的核心理念、目标指向和基本原理,近年来运动训练分期理论遭受质疑的原因,以及主要质疑者Ю.В.维尔赫尚斯基提出批评意见的实质,并提出运动训练分期理论继续发展的现实途径。提出:针对我国运动员备战2020年东京奥运会和2022年北京冬奥会,应遵循运动训练分期理论所揭示的形成竞技状态的客观规律,安排运动训练过程和获得最佳表现。


    Abstract: The formation and development of the classical theory of "athlete cultivating general theory" are annalyzed by its historical premise, methodological basis and development status, and its disciplinary construction in China is further completed, based on the preparations for the Olympic Games. After summing up the contributions made by scholars from Russia, China and other countries, it is proposed that the "theory and method of athlete cultivating" should replace the "theory of competitive sports" as the name of the discipline. The core concept, target and basic principles of periodical theory in sports training founded by the famous Russian scholar Матвеев Л. П are also deseribed, and the causes of confusion are analyzed for the periodical theory in sports training in recent years. The essence of the criticism from the main questioner, Верхошанский Ю.В was explored; the realistic development route of the periodical theory was proposed. In terms of the preparation of Chinese athletes for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games, it is proposed that the law of forming competitive peak state revealed by the theory of sports training should be followed to obtain the best performance.


