




任慧涛, 易剑东. 2020年东京奥运会资源可持续管理实践及对我国大型体育赛事的启示[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2020, 44(6): 31-39. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.06.004
引用本文: 任慧涛, 易剑东. 2020年东京奥运会资源可持续管理实践及对我国大型体育赛事的启示[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2020, 44(6): 31-39. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.06.004
REN Huitao, YI Jiandong. Sustainable Resource Management of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and its Inspirations to China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2020, 44(6): 31-39. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.06.004
Citation: REN Huitao, YI Jiandong. Sustainable Resource Management of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and its Inspirations to China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2020, 44(6): 31-39. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.06.004


Sustainable Resource Management of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and its Inspirations to China

  • 摘要: 节俭办赛是近年来国内赛事组委会经常使用的“口号”,强调大型体育赛事筹办应崇尚节俭、厉行节约,以解决赛事资源使用的有效性问题。在讨论大型体育赛事可持续管理理念演进的基础上,分析2020年东京奥运会资源管理实践:按照生命周期理论,在资源采购、使用、回收3个阶段,以节省、再利用、循环使用为优先指导原则;构建政策系统、机构系统等管理体系;通过减少食物浪费、减少打包材料、强调循环利用、废弃物绿色回收、减少废气排放等具体措施,追求效益与效果的平衡。我国节俭办赛实践在一定程度上窄化了可持续理念的内涵,建议在战略规划、资源认定、控制目标、赛中管理、赛事评价等方面实现标准化,促进我国大型体育赛事良性发展。


    Abstract: The organizing committees of China mega sports event have been calling for frugality with the slogan "Reduction of Cost", which, in essence, aims to improve the effectiveness of all resources.Based on the theory of sustainable management of mega sports events, the state of resource management of the Tokyo Olympic Games is analyzed.It is found that:the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee uses the life cycle theory as the guiding principle to divide the resource management work into 3 stages of resource purchase, use and cycle. The policy system and organizing system are established; concrete measures, such as reducing food waste, reducing packaging materials, recycling of waste, and reducing exhaust emissions, are implemented; and the balance of benefits and effect of the resource management is pursued. In comparasion, the philosophy connotation of reduction of cost as a concept of resource management for mega sports events in China somewhat is narrowed down, therefore the conclusion suggested that major sports events should be standardized in strategic planning, resource identification, control objectives, in-game management, and event evaluation, which will promote the new concept of resource management in sports events in China.


