




何天平,宋航.电竞传播在中国:媒介框架变迁与社会认知重塑[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(4):54-64. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.12.04.0001
引用本文: 何天平,宋航.电竞传播在中国:媒介框架变迁与社会认知重塑[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(4):54-64. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.12.04.0001
HE Tianping, SONG Hang. Electronic Sports Communication in China: The Change of Media Framing and the Reconstruction of Social Cognition[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(4): 54-64. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.12.04.0001
Citation: HE Tianping, SONG Hang. Electronic Sports Communication in China: The Change of Media Framing and the Reconstruction of Social Cognition[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(4): 54-64. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2020.12.04.0001


Electronic Sports Communication in China: The Change of Media Framing and the Reconstruction of Social Cognition

  • 摘要: 电子竞技进入中国经历了若干发展阶段,新生事物的勃兴往往面临复杂的社会语境和认知难点,大众媒介的普及则在其中扮演了至关重要的角色。基于中国电竞传播的本土化过程,通过媒介框架建构与意义生产的视角考察主流社会认知电竞议题的变迁过程。依托于媒介框架分析的理论与方法路径,着重解析主流大众媒介如何历时性地构造电竞议题,并探讨持有一系列信息认知资源的电竞传播如何重塑大众对此的认同性认知。发现:本土化电竞传播框架经历了“休闲娱乐—游戏危害性—作为竞技体育的属性正当化—正名与理性反思”的变化,电竞传播在这一过程中通过对既有社会认知资源的调用、吸纳实现了对相关议题的正名实践,并由此促成电竞之于中国社会的主流化演绎。


    Abstract: Electronic sports (e-sports) has entered China and developed through several stages. The rise and development of new things often face complex social contexts and obstacles to gain social acceptance, with the mass media playing a vital role in it. The localization of China's e-sports communication is focused on. It examines the changing process of how the social mainstream perceives e-sports from the perspective of media construction and meaning production. Based on the theories and methodologies of media frame analysis, how the mass media constructs e-sports issues diachronically and how e-sports, which has already enjoyed information cognitive resources, can reshape the public's consensus are analyzed. The research finds that the localized e-sports communication has undergone different stages, including "games as instruments for leisure and entertainment, harmfulness of games, defending for being a kind of competitive sports, justifying as e-sport and post-rational reflections". Through those stages, e-sports communication has mobilized the social cognitive resources to make justifications for itself and accepted by the social mainstream in the end.


