




陈元欣, 陈磊, 李京宇, 李金容, 何夷, 时宵. 体育场馆促进城市更新的效应:美国策略与本土启示[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(2): 78-89. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.02.009
引用本文: 陈元欣, 陈磊, 李京宇, 李金容, 何夷, 时宵. 体育场馆促进城市更新的效应:美国策略与本土启示[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(2): 78-89. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.02.009
CHEN Yuanxin, CHEN Lei, LI Jingyu, LI Jinrong, HE Yi, SHI Xiao. Main Performance, Strategies of American Sports Stadiums Promoting Urban Renewal and Their Enlightenment on China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(2): 78-89. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.02.009
Citation: CHEN Yuanxin, CHEN Lei, LI Jingyu, LI Jinrong, HE Yi, SHI Xiao. Main Performance, Strategies of American Sports Stadiums Promoting Urban Renewal and Their Enlightenment on China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(2): 78-89. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.02.009


Main Performance, Strategies of American Sports Stadiums Promoting Urban Renewal and Their Enlightenment on China

  • 摘要: 美国体育场馆促进城市更新的实践经验,对提升我国体育场馆促进城市更新的效能具有重要参考价值。研究发现,美国体育场馆促进城市更新效应的主要表现为:城市整体形象改善;经济活动回归城市中心;体育场馆周边区域土地使用效能提升;体育场馆周边区域房产增值;体育场馆周边区域人口的数量和质量提升;更新效应的呈现时间具有一定的长期性(滞后性)。在“城市触媒”理论指导下,美国体育场馆促进城市更新的推进策略为:制定详细的城市更新计划;成立专门的城市更新机构;充分发挥公私合作投资优势;多元政策支持体育场馆建设;重视内部化体育场馆的外部效应;丰富场馆内容供给,提升体育场馆的“触媒”能量;注重场馆外部联姻,增强体育场馆的催化作用。提出本土启示:将体育场馆建设与改造纳入城市更新计划;集中文体娱乐设施,合理确定城市更新范围;深入推行公私合作,提升体育场馆治理水平;加快建设城市体育服务综合体,推动体育场馆外部效应内部化;充分利用城市存量空间,加强体育场地多元供给。


    Abstract: To summarize the practical experience of promoting urban renewal of stadiums and gymnasiums in the United States is of great reference value for improving the efficiency of promoting urban renewal of stadiums and gymnasiums in China.It is concluded that the effects of American sports stadiums to promote urban renewal are mainly manifested in the following aspects:the overall improvement of the city's image, the return of economic activities to the downtown area, the improvement of land use efficiency, the appreciation of the real estate value in the area around the sports stadiums, the rise of population and quality of the surrounding area, and the renewal effect need a certain long-term. Under the guideline of the urban catalyst theory, the strategies of American sports stadiums to promote urban renewal include formulating detailed urban renewal plans, establishing special urban renewal institutions, giving full play to the role of public-private cooperation, the diversified policies to support the construction of sports stadiums, promoting the internalization of stadium external effects, enriching the content supply of stadiums and enhancing the catalytic energy of stadiums, paying attention to the external connections with other stadiums and expanding the catalytic effect of stadiums.It is urged to incorporate the construction and renovation of sports stadiums into the urban renewal plan, integrate Chinese sports and entertainment facilities to determine the scope of urban renewal, promote public-private cooperation to improve the governance level of stadiums, accelerate the construction of urban sports service complexes to promote the internal effects of sports stadiums and make full use of the city's stock space to strengthen the diverse supply of sports stadiums.


