




郝勤, 宋秀平. “兵技巧”与两汉时期的军事体育[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(4): 15-25. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.002
引用本文: 郝勤, 宋秀平. “兵技巧”与两汉时期的军事体育[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(4): 15-25. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.002
HAO Qin, SONG Xiuping. "Military Techniques" and Military Sports in Han Dynasty[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(4): 15-25. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.002
Citation: HAO Qin, SONG Xiuping. "Military Techniques" and Military Sports in Han Dynasty[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(4): 15-25. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.002


"Military Techniques" and Military Sports in Han Dynasty

  • 摘要: 综合运用文献、文物双重互证法等考察两汉时期军队的体能、技能训练体系。从《汉书·艺文志》所载“兵技巧”类书目入手,探讨两汉时期军事体育与战争形态、武器装备及军队训练的关系,其中“兵技巧”主要包含“习手足——军队的体能训练”“便器械——使用兵器的技能训练”“积机关——军事工程学领域的方法”三方面内容。两汉时期的“兵技巧”在军队体能训练和技能训练方面的特点和价值体现为:①引入手搏、剑道、蹴鞠等一系列身体活动作为“习手足”的训练手段与方法;②形成从民间到军队以弓射、骑射、弩射以及刀、剑、戟、矛为核心的“便器械”技能训练体系。两汉是中国古代战争和军事训练的重大变革时期,以车战和步战为主的中原军队必须面对北方游牧民族以骑射为主的新型战争,其军事体育和军事训练体系为在汉匈战争中取得最后胜利提供了重要保障。


    Abstract: Based on the literature review and archaeological objects on military sports, a study was condueted on the military training system in the Han Dynasty. Starting with monographs depicting "military techniques" in the Book of Han: Yiwen Records and Literature Chronicles, the relationships were analyzed between military sports and the war styles, armaments and military training in the Han Dynasty.Three aspects of "military techniques" are included: unarmed fighting, or physical training; armament utilization, or skill training; facility building, or military engineering.It is found that the characteristics and values of "military techniques" include the training methods by physical exercises like wrestling, Cuju kicking, kendo, bow shooting, crossbow shooting, mounted archery, while the skill training system is formed by the utilization of halberd, spear and hook shield.The Han Dynasty is thought to be the key reform stage for the war and military training in ancient China, for the chariolt-and-infantry-based army living in central China have to confront the shooting-on-horseback-based northern nomadic army, so it justified how military sports and training systems laid a solid foundation and provided an important guarantee for the Han Dynasty's ultimate victory over the Huns.


