




张琪, 王子骄. 德法并举:体育失范行为的规制失当与善治复归[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(4): 35-46. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.004
引用本文: 张琪, 王子骄. 德法并举:体育失范行为的规制失当与善治复归[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(4): 35-46. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.004
ZHANG Qi, WANG Zijiao. Governing by Law and Morality Simultaneously: Dislocation and Resetting of Sports Improper Behavior Regulation[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(4): 35-46. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.004
Citation: ZHANG Qi, WANG Zijiao. Governing by Law and Morality Simultaneously: Dislocation and Resetting of Sports Improper Behavior Regulation[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(4): 35-46. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.04.004


Governing by Law and Morality Simultaneously: Dislocation and Resetting of Sports Improper Behavior Regulation

  • 摘要: 能否恰当规制体育失范行为,关乎体育运动能否长期良性发展。现有理论研究和规制实践混淆了体育失范行为的规制范畴和手段,不仅未能有效遏制体育失范行为,反而在应对新兴体育失范行为时表现出规制失当。应在现代治理语境中确立法治和德治的领域与对象,进而实现对体育失范行为的善治。单一的规制手段不仅无法有效地规制体育失范行为,还会使规制手段自身遭遇合法性和合理性危机。在竞赛过程中的体育失范行为应同时受到规则、法律、道德3种行为规范体系的约束。当前规制失当的原因主要为体育法律问题道德化、体育德治手段法律化、行为规范效力范围模糊化、德治与法治关系失衡化等。为实现体育失范行为的善治目标,应明确体育失范行为的属性划分,框定体育失范行为的规制手段范畴,建立规制失效的救济机制。从体育失范行为的性质界定入手,综合使用法律、道德和规则框定体育失范行为的领域,从而自上而下地实现对体育失范行为的有效规制。


    Abstract: Whether sports improper behaviors can be regulated effectively or not determines the future of sports development.The current existing theoretical researches and regulatory experiences, which mixed up the regulation categories and methods, not only lose control of regulating sports improper behaviors, but also show a deteriorated trend when the new types of improper behaviors are regulated.A good governance of sports improper behaviors are tried to be achieved by establishing the fields and objects of law and morality governance in modern governance context.It is found that the overemphasis on one kind of conduct does not do good to regulating sports improper behaviors effectively.Furthermore, it brings the doubts of rationality and legitimacy itself.The improper behaviors in sports competitions should be governed by laws, moralities and sports rules at the same time.Four reasons are found to cause the current failures, that is, sports legal issues are moralized, moral regulatory skills legalized, behavior regulatory effect range misunderstood, and moral and legal governance imbalanced.Three solutions are put forward as follows: the nature of an undecided sports improper behavior should be defined, the range of dealing methods restricted, and a remedy regulatory system to deal with those disputed cases created.In a word, starting with the nature of sports improper behaviors, an effective regulation of sports improper behaviors are achieved top-down by laws, morality and rules to frame the fields of these improper behaviors.


