




缪律, 吕季东, 吴瑛, 朱洁. 不同类型足球小场地比赛球员跑动表现及能量消耗的差异[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(5): 81-88. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.05.010
引用本文: 缪律, 吕季东, 吴瑛, 朱洁. 不同类型足球小场地比赛球员跑动表现及能量消耗的差异[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(5): 81-88. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.05.010
MIAO Lü, LÜ Jidong, WU Ying, ZHU Jie. Difference of Running Performance and Energy Cost of Soccer Players in Different Types of Small-Sided Games[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(5): 81-88. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.05.010
Citation: MIAO Lü, LÜ Jidong, WU Ying, ZHU Jie. Difference of Running Performance and Energy Cost of Soccer Players in Different Types of Small-Sided Games[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(5): 81-88. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.05.010


Difference of Running Performance and Energy Cost of Soccer Players in Different Types of Small-Sided Games

  • 摘要:
      目的  探究大学男子足球运动员(以下简称“球员”)在不同类型小场地比赛中跑动表现及能量消耗的差异,并比较跑动速度和能量消耗2种划分标准下球员高强度活动的占比。
      方法  运用全球定位系统(GPS)设备测定20名大学男子球员8场4对4附门将(4v4+GK)、6场6对6附门将(6v6+GK)和4场8对8附门将(8v8+GK)小场地比赛(3节,每节6 min,节间间歇90 s)中的跑动数据,基于加速度和变速跑动的能量消耗计算公式推测能量消耗。
      结果  ① 球员总跑动距离随着小场地比赛人数的增多而升高(P < 0.01);在8v8+GK中球员的中速跑距离长于6v6+GK和4v4+GK(P < 0.01),在6v6+GK和8v8+GK中球员的中高速跑距离和高速跑距离均长于4v4+GK(P < 0.01)。②球员的总变速和低减速次数随着小场地比赛人数的增多而降低(P < 0.01);在4v4+GK中球员的低加速、中加速和中减速次数均多于6v6+GK和8v8+GK(P < 0.01、P < 0.05)。③球员能量消耗和代谢功率均随着小场地比赛人数的增多而升高(P < 0.01)。④以跑动速度为划分标准的高强度活动占比(11.35%~13.34%)低于以能量消耗为划分标准的高强度活动占比(17.00%~18.07%),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。
      结论  在一定人数范围内球员人均面积相等的情况下,人数较多的小场地比赛适合发展球员的持续跑动能力,人数较少的小场地比赛适合发展球员的灵敏能力。在6v6+GK和8v8+GK中,球员每分钟的能量消耗水平接近正式比赛。以跑动速度为标准的划分方式低估了高强度活动的占比,且在人数较少的小场地比赛中尤为明显。


      Objective  The difference of players(4v4+GK, 6v6+GK and 8v8+GK)was examined on running performance and energy cost(EC)of small-sided games(SSGs)in collegiate male soccer players, and the proportion of high-intensity activities was compared under the two categories(running speed and EC).
      Methods  Running data were collected from 20 collegiate male soccer players in SSGs using global positioning system (GPS); EC were estimated with the method based on players'acceleration with GPS.
      Results  ① The total running distance increased significantly with the increase of the number of players.The middle speed running distance of 8v8+GK was significantly higher than 6v6+GK and 4v4+GK(P < 0.01), while the middle and high speed running distance and high speed running distance of 4v4+GK were significantly lower than 6v6+GK and 8v8+GK(P < 0.01). ② The total speed change and low deceleration numbers decreased significantly with the increase of the number of players; and the low acceleration, middle acceleration and middle deceleration of 4v4+GK were significantly higher than those of 6v6+GK and 8v8+GK(P < 0.01). ③EC and metabolic power increased significantly with the number of players(P < 0.01). ④ The proportion of high-intensity activities (11.35%~13.34%)categorized by running speed was significantly lower than that by EC(17.00%~18.07%).
      Conclusions  In a certain range, SSGs with more players is more suitable for the development of collegiate male soccer players'running ability, SSGs with fewer players is more suitable for the development of their agility.EC per minute in 6v6+GK and 8v8+GK is close to that in an official competition.The proportion of high-intensity activities is underestimated according to the category of running speed, which is especially obvious in SSGs with fewer players.


