




曹卫东, 李崟, 徐雁冰, 黄道峻, 刘青, 姚守齐, 何明, 王欢, 米银俊, 王毅, 朱传耿, 郑永奎, 兰景力, 申富平. “建党百年与中国特色社会主义体育发展道路”笔谈[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(6): 1-34. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.06.001
引用本文: 曹卫东, 李崟, 徐雁冰, 黄道峻, 刘青, 姚守齐, 何明, 王欢, 米银俊, 王毅, 朱传耿, 郑永奎, 兰景力, 申富平. “建党百年与中国特色社会主义体育发展道路”笔谈[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(6): 1-34. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.06.001
CAO Weidong, LI Yin, XU Yanbing, HUANG Daojun, LIU Qing, YAO Shouqi, HE Ming, WANG Huan, MI Yinjun, WANG Yi, ZHU Chuangeng, ZHENG Yongkui, LAN Jingli, SHEN Fuping. Academic Conversations on "Chinese Socialist Sports Development Path on the Centenary of the Communist Party of China"[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(6): 1-34. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.06.001
Citation: CAO Weidong, LI Yin, XU Yanbing, HUANG Daojun, LIU Qing, YAO Shouqi, HE Ming, WANG Huan, MI Yinjun, WANG Yi, ZHU Chuangeng, ZHENG Yongkui, LAN Jingli, SHEN Fuping. Academic Conversations on "Chinese Socialist Sports Development Path on the Centenary of the Communist Party of China"[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(6): 1-34. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.06.001


Academic Conversations on "Chinese Socialist Sports Development Path on the Centenary of the Communist Party of China"

  • 摘要: 在中国共产党建党100周年之际,为系统总结100年来中国共产党领导的中国特色社会主义体育发展道路的经验与规律,本刊组织全国14所高等体育院校的专家以笔谈的形式,专题研讨“建党百年与中国特色社会主义体育发展道路”。 北京体育大学曹卫东提出 ,应深刻理解和准确把握习近平总书记提出的体育的4个重要作用,即“体育是提高人民健康水平的重要途径,是满足人民群众对美好生活向往、促进人的全面发展的重要手段,是促进经济社会发展的重要动力,是展示国家文化软实力的重要平台”,发挥体育的多样功能和前置性作用,助力体育强国建设。 上海体育学院李崟提出 ,人民主体性是中国共产党百年体育思想的价值追求与实践归旨:从价值主体看,中国共产党百年体育思想深刻体现了“体育发展为了人民”的根本导向;从实践主体看,中国共产党百年体育思想深刻体现了“体育发展依靠人民”的动力之源;从共享主体看,中国共产党百年体育思想深刻体现了“体育发展成果由人民共享”的价值归宿。 武汉体育学院徐雁冰提出 ,中国共产党红色体育精神主要表现为服务需求的大局精神、体育为民的健民精神、敢为人先的创新精神、兼容并蓄的包容精神和拼搏不止的奋斗精神,并从强种救国、强体认同和健康自信3个阶段对红色体育精神的历史赓续进行阐述。 西安体育学院黄道峻提出 ,延安时期红色体育思想有其独特的形成基础和发展演进过程,在其指导下陕甘宁边区的体育事业蓬勃发展,不仅为抗日战争和解放战争的胜利奠定了坚实基础,也为新中国体育事业开局起步积累了宝贵经验。 成都体育学院刘青提出 ,中国特色社会主义体育道路的基本经验包括:坚持党对体育工作的领导,坚持社会主义发展方向;坚持以人民为中心,办人民满意的体育事业;坚持发挥社会主义制度优越性,推动体育各领域协调发展;坚持和加强思想政治工作,大力弘扬中华体育精神;坚持对外开放走向世界,与时俱进推动体育改革创新。 沈阳体育学院姚守齐认为 ,红色体育丰富了红色精神的内涵,壮大了红色文化,其对助力体育人力资源的开发、培育和成长,助益“健康中国”战略的实施与完善,助推体育强国建设的全方位发展,促进体育文化实力的增长等具有重要启示。 首都体育学院何明提出 ,中国共产党带领全国人民通过发展体育事业尤其是奥林匹克运动,与世界人民在交流中消除隔阂和误解,在互鉴中携手前行,为奥林匹克运动发展贡献了中国智慧。 天津体育学院王欢认为 ,天津体育事业的百年实践证明,只有中国共产党才能带领中国人民实现体育强国的梦想,应在体育强国与健康中国国家战略的实践中探索有特色、有成效的群众体育发展模式。 广州体育学院米银俊提出 ,作为新中国第一个世界冠军,容国团及其“人生能有几回搏”的奋斗精神是中华民族“站起来”的生动诠释和精神标志,至今仍具鲜活的时代价值,需要永续传承和不断升华。 山东体育学院王毅提出 ,党的历任领导人都高度重视体育事业发展,从解决中国革命和建设的理论与实际问题出发,形成了具有中国特色的社会主义体育思想体系,成为实现体育强国梦的科学指导和行动指南。 南京体育学院朱传耿提出 ,中国体育百年发展历经启蒙革新的“体育救国”阶段、改造创建的“体育兴国”阶段、改革创新的“体育报国”阶段、全面提升的“体育强国”阶段,坚持中国共产党领导、以人民为中心、为国家中心任务服务、走中国特色社会主义体育发展之路等是中国体育百年发展经验的重要启示。 吉林体育学院郑永奎提出 ,中国特色社会主义体育发展道路的根本特征为:坚持党的领导,注重体育价值的体现;坚持宗旨意识,注重体育功能的实现;坚持制度优势,注重体育强国的建设;拓展开放视野,注重全新格局的打造;坚持奥运精神,注重体育灵魂的彰显。 哈尔滨体育学院兰景力提出 ,应准确把握党的百年体育思想的科学内涵和新时代高等体育院校的发展定位,加快推进新时代高等体育院校的教育教学理念、办学模式、内部治理体系的转型。 河北体育学院申富平提出 ,习近平总书记在正定期间体育工作的理念与实践坚持“以人民为中心”的发展思想,其改革举措体现了战略眼光与务实思维,为中国体育事业发展和体育强国建设提供了强有力的思想指引。


    Abstract: On the centenary of the Communist Party of China, Journal of Shanghai University of Sport organized a seminar with the topic of Chinese socialist sports development path of the Communist Party of China by inviting the experts from 14 sports universities.It aims to conclude the experience and laws of sport development with Chinese characteristics by means of the writing form. CAO Weidong from Beijing Sport University, holds that we should deeply understand the 4 roles sport plays which have been posed by President XI Jinping, that is, sport is the channel to improve people's health level, a longing for beautiful life, the means to promote people's overall development, the drive to advance economy and society, as well as the platform of demonstrating cultural soft power. We should give full play to the multi-function and prepositional force of sport and help the sport power construction. LI Yin from Shanghai University of Sport, states that people's subjectivity is the value pursuit and practice goal of centenary thoughts on sport by the Chinese Communist Party. In term of value subject, the sports thoughts deeply show the essential orientation of "sports development for people"; for the part of practice subject, "sports development depends on people"; and as for the shared subject, "sport development achievements are shared by people". XU Yanbing from Wuhan Sports University, believes that the red sport spirit of the Communist Party of China is shown in the general outlook of service for demand and health for people, as well as innovation, tolerance and striving connotation. The 3 stages of sport spirit history, i.e. saving country by strong gene, national identity by body building, and health confidence, are elaborated as well. HUANG Daojun from Xi'an Physical Education University says the red sport spirit during Yan'an period had the unique formation basis and evolution history, under whose guidance, the booming of sport enterprise in the area of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia not only built the solid foundation for the success of Anti-Japanese War and Liberation War, but gathered valuable experience for the start of sport enterprise in new China. LIU Qing from Chengdu Sport University, holds that the basic practices for Chinese socialist sport path include the clinging to the leadership of the Party and socialist development direction; holding people-centered sport enterprise to the satisfaction of people; maintaining the advantage of the socialist system and pushing the coordinated development of sports in all fields; strengthening the ideological political work and promoting Chinese sport spirit; keeping open-up policy and reform innovation of sport advanced with time. YAO Shouqi from Shenyang Sport University states that the red sport concept enriches the connotation of red spirit and culture, which helps the exploration, cultivation and growth of sport human resources, the enforcement and perfection of "healthy China", the overall development of sport power construction, and the increase of sport cultural soft power. HE Ming from Capital University of Physical Education and Sports believes that Communist Party of China contributes to the Olympic development by leading the nation to develop sports enterprise and Olympic games, eliminating misunderstandings in communicating with the world and moving forward in mutual appreciation.WANG Huan from Tianjin University of Sport, states that the centenary sports practice in Tianjin proves that only Chinese Communist Party can lead people to realize the dream of strong sports nation.We should explore a specific and effective development mode for mass sports during the process of sports power construction and" Healthy China" strategy construction. MI Yinjun from Guangzhou Sport University says that RONG Guotuan, as the first world champion in new China, and his motto "How many decisive battles one can encounter in his whole life" are still alive with time value, which needs to be passed down from generation to generation. WANG Yi from Shandong Sport University, holds that the leaders successively attach importance to sport enterprises since the founding of the Party. They start with the theory and practical reality of Chinese revolution and construction, and establish the socialist sport thinking system with Chinese characteristics, which becomes the guidance and work principles to realize "strong sport nation dream".ZHU Chuangeng from Nanjing Sport Institute, states that Chinese sport history has gone through the stages of "sport for saving country", "sport for rejuvenating country", "sport for serving country" and "sport for building a strong country". Important experience is drawn from the centenary sport development, that is, the leadership of the Communist Party of China, people-centered, serving national key tasks, and Chinese socialist sport development path. ZHENG Yongkui from Jilin Sport University holds that the Chinese socialist sport development path should follow the Party's leadership and attach importance to the sport value realization. Others include mission consciousness, sport function, socialist system advantage, sport power construction, the vision of open-up and new layout, the Olympic spirit and the manifestation of sport soul. LAN Jingli from Harbin Sport University illustrates that the scientific connotation of centenary sports thoughts and the development orientation of sports higher education in new era should be correctly interpreted; the sport education and teaching concept, patterns and internal governance system should be swiftly pushed forward. SHEN Fuping from Hebei Sport University believes that the sport theory and practice, which was put forward by President XI during his work in Zhengding County, as well as his "people-oriented" concept, proves his strategic vision and practical style, which provides strong thinking guidance for the sports enterprise development and sport power construction.


