




张文鹏,李经展,赵子建.县域学校体育内部治理的演化博弈[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(7):56-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.06.0005
引用本文: 张文鹏,李经展,赵子建.县域学校体育内部治理的演化博弈[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(7):56-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.06.0005
ZHANG Wenpeng, LI Jingzhan, ZHAO Zijian. Evolutionary Game of Internal Governance of Physical Education in County Schools[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(7): 56-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.06.0005
Citation: ZHANG Wenpeng, LI Jingzhan, ZHAO Zijian. Evolutionary Game of Internal Governance of Physical Education in County Schools[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(7): 56-63. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.06.0005


Evolutionary Game of Internal Governance of Physical Education in County Schools

  • 摘要: 运用文献资料、实地调查等方法,基于演化博弈理论对县域学校体育的内部治理过程中的博弈行为和利益动机进行分析并建模。结果显示:学校领导博弈选择概率、家长和学生参与度、体育教师权益、县级政府监管问责力度均可引起学校体育内部治理演化博弈方向的改变;班主任、文化课教师的价值观念、行为倾向、参与意愿均以直接或间接的方式对县域学校体育的内部治理效能产生影响;学校领导是县域学校体育内部治理过程中“上升促进”和“下降抑制”的核心点,家长和学生群体影响学校领导与体育教师的决策,且三方处于闭环制衡模式之中。建议:①重视县域“小圈子”中利益关系博弈的影响,以“共商”协调利益平衡;②规避县域学校体育内部治理的“密集动员型”行为,以“共建”协调监督关系;③强化县域学校内部力量参与体育治理的行为意愿,以规制手段协同“共治”;④倡导融合“学校-家庭-社会”协同治理责任观念,构建“三方”协同治理制度。


    Abstract: By using the methods of literature review and field investigation, the game behavior and interest motivation in the process of the internal governance of physical education in the county schools are analyzed and modelled based on the evolutionary game theory. The results show that the choice probability of school leaders, the participation of students and parents, the right and interest of physical education teachers, and the accountability of county-level government supervision can all cause changes in the direction of internal governance of school sports; The values, behaviors, attitudes and participation willingness of class teachers and culture teachers (the main subjects such as language and mathematics) will directly or indirectly influence its internal governance efficiency. As the leading party, school leaders are the core points of ''upward promotion'' and ''downward suppression'' in the internal governance process, while students and parent groups will influence the decision-making of school leaders and physical education teachers, and the three parties are in a closed-loop check and balanced mode. Suggestions are included as follows: Pay attention to the influence of the game of interests in the relations of the ''small circle'' in the county, and coordinate the balance of interests by ''comprehensive consultation''; Avoid the "intensive mobilization" behavior of the internal governance of school sports in the county and coordinate the supervision relationship by ''co-construction''; Strengthen the willingness of internal forces in county schools to participate in governance and build ''co-governance'' through regulatory means; Advocate the integration of the concept of school-family-society collaborative governance responsibility and build a ''three-party'' collaborative governance system.


