




尹永佩,姜传银.武以成人:甲骨文“我”字的尚武基因及其教化价值[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(11):61-74. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.11.0003
引用本文: 尹永佩,姜传银.武以成人:甲骨文“我”字的尚武基因及其教化价值[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(11):61-74. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.11.0003
YIN Yongpei, JIANG Chuanyin. Martial Arts Make Perfect People: The Martial Gene of the Character "Wo" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Its Educational Value[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(11): 61-74. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.11.0003
Citation: YIN Yongpei, JIANG Chuanyin. Martial Arts Make Perfect People: The Martial Gene of the Character "Wo" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Its Educational Value[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(11): 61-74. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.07.11.0003


Martial Arts Make Perfect People: The Martial Gene of the Character "Wo" in Oracle Bone Inscriptions and Its Educational Value

  • 摘要: 采用文献资料等方法对甲骨文“我”字的寓意探赜索隐,并结合传统文化背景对比“吾”“我”之别,认为:以武立身的尚武精神是古人赋予“我”字的寓象之意;从“”到“我”的字形演化折射出中华民族和谐向善的价值取向;舍“吾”取“我”的文化选择反映了中华文化自身蕴含自信自强的精神基因。“武”是实现由“吾”到“我”、丧“我”归“吾”转化升级的媒介,“以武立身”“以武化人”“以武养德”“去武成人”构成了武以成人的完整教化体系,中国武术在修身成人过程中具有无可替代的桥梁作用,是彰德证道、实现精神超越的重要载体。新时代背景下的武术发展只有寻根国学之源、回归教化本质,才能对接“国之大事”,服务于人类命运共同体的构建。


    Abstract: Literature review was used to explore the deep sense of the Chinese character "wo" in oracle bone inscriptions, and the differences between "wu" and "wo" were compared in the context of traditional culture. It holds that the martial-like spirit with martial arts as the foundation presents the allegorical meaning of "wo" given by the ancients; the character evolution from "" to "wo" reflects the harmonious-based value orientation of the Chinese nation; and the cultural choice of giving up "wu" to "wo" reflects the spiritual gene of self-confidence and self-improvement contained in Chinese culture itself. Martial acts as the medium to realize the transformation and upgrading from "wu" to "wo", and the return of "wu" by hiding "wo". The whole education system thus has been formed in which martial arts make perfect people through martial arts as the foundation, educating with martial arts, form ethics with martial arts and cultivating internal morality by giving up martial arts. Therefore, Chinese martial arts play an irreplaceable bridging role in the process of external body building to the internal morality cultivation, being a carrier to demonstrate ethics and realize spiritual transcendence. Only by seeking the roots of Chinese culture and returning to the essence of enlightenment can we connect the Wushu development with the "national affairs" and serve the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind in the context of the new era.


