




王创业,张德胜.作为“双重交往过程”的体育外交:概念与模型[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(9):1-8. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.08.31.0003
引用本文: 王创业,张德胜.作为“双重交往过程”的体育外交:概念与模型[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(9):1-8. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.08.31.0003
WANG Chuangye, ZHANG Desheng. "Dual Communication Process" of Sports Diplomacy: Concept and Model[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(9): 1-8, 29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.08.31.0003
Citation: WANG Chuangye, ZHANG Desheng. "Dual Communication Process" of Sports Diplomacy: Concept and Model[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(9): 1-8, 29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.08.31.0003


"Dual Communication Process" of Sports Diplomacy: Concept and Model

  • 摘要: 近年来学界掀起体育外交研究热潮,研究者在实体主义视角下将体育外交理解为主体对客体施加影响的工具,但对体育外交的概念及其属性等的理解产生了分歧。通过引入“关系过程”理论,辨析公共外交与政府外交、体育与外交之间的关系,提出体育外交是体育公共外交与政府外交的“双重交往过程”,并构建体育外交的“双重交往过程”模型。认为:只有那些能够引发、推动政府外交的体育对外交往活动才是本质意义上的体育外交,进一步指出体育外交不是一国影响他国的手段,而是一种交互行动,目的是再造国际关系。


    Abstract: In recent years, the study of sports diplomacy has been an upsurge in academic circle. From the perspective of materialism, researchers understand sports diplomacy as a tool for the subject to exert influence on the object but show disagreement on the concept of sports diplomacy and its attributes. The theory of "relation process" was introduced to explore the correlations between public diplomacy and government diplomacy, sport and diplomacy.Sports diplomacy was regarded as the "double communication process" of sports public diplomacy and government diplomacy. The model was hence established. It is held that only those sports foreign communication activities that can trigger and promote government diplomacy are sports diplomacy. Also, sports diplomacy is not a means for one country to influence other countries, but an interactive action with the purpose of recreating international relations.


