




李树旺,刘圣文,刘潇锴.秩序与活力再平衡:构建完善的体育赛事监管体系[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(9):20-29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.10.12.0004
引用本文: 李树旺,刘圣文,刘潇锴.秩序与活力再平衡:构建完善的体育赛事监管体系[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(9):20-29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.10.12.0004
LI Shuwang, LIU Shengwen, LIU Xiaokai. Rebalancing Between Order and Vitality: Constructing Improved Sports Events Supervision System[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(9): 20-29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.10.12.0004
Citation: LI Shuwang, LIU Shengwen, LIU Xiaokai. Rebalancing Between Order and Vitality: Constructing Improved Sports Events Supervision System[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(9): 20-29. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.10.12.0004


Rebalancing Between Order and Vitality: Constructing Improved Sports Events Supervision System

  • 摘要: 针对体育赛场乱象和安全事故频发暴露出体育赛事监管领域的秩序与活力失衡问题,运用文献资料法等研究方法对体育赛事的监管主体、监管对象、监管内容、监管立法、监管工具等进行分析发现,体育赛事监管存在政府部门监管边界不清晰、单项体育协会监管能力不强、监管对象和内容界定模糊、监管制度规范不完善、监管工具使用失当等问题。为疏解我国赛事监管体系的运行困境及深层次难题,提出完善我国体育赛事监管体系的总体思路:在核心价值层面应以体育赛事“放管服”改革为基本原则,在中枢传动层面应强化监管主体的纵向整合和横向协同,在监管机制与服务系统层面应构建赛事监管数字化平台。以此为基础,提出完善监管法规体系、明确监管内容和事项、构建体育赛事诚信体系等完善我国赛事监管体系的对策。


    Abstract: The frequent occurrence of chaos and safety accidents in sporting events reveals the imbalance between order and vitality in the regulation of sports events. Based on the literature and logical analysis, the actors, objects, content, legislation, and tools of sports events supervision are analyzed. It is found that there were problems such as unclear boundaries of government departments, weak supervision capacity of individual sports associations, vague definition of supervision object and content, imperfect supervision system and inappropriate use of the laws and regulations. In order to solve the operational dilemma and deep-seated problems in China's sports events supervision system, the general idea of constructing and improving China's sports event supervision system is proposed: at the core value level, the basic principle of the reform of "delegating, control and serving" of sports events should be adopted; at the central transmission level, the vertical integration and horizontal coordination of supervision subjects should be strengthened; and at the level of supervision mechanism and service system, a digital platform for sports events supervision should be constructed. On this basis, the main countermeasures for the construction of an improved supervision system of sports events in China are proposed: improving the supervision system and legal system, clarifying the supervision content and matters, and constructing integrity system for sports events.


