




专家组. “双减”政策与学校体育发展[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(11): 1-15. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.001
引用本文: 专家组. “双减”政策与学校体育发展[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(11): 1-15. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.001
Expert Group. "Double Reduction" Policy and the Development of School Sports[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(11): 1-15. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.001
Citation: Expert Group. "Double Reduction" Policy and the Development of School Sports[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(11): 1-15. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.001


"Double Reduction" Policy and the Development of School Sports

  • 摘要: 2021年7月24日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》(简称“双减”政策)。为解读“双减”政策对学校体育和青少年健康发展的深层次影响以及学校体育的应对之策,本刊组织国内6名专家对“‘双减’政策与学校体育发展”进行专题研讨。 北京体育大学任海认为 ,学校体育面临的核心问题是如何让学生变被动参与为主动投入,“不严肃”的“玩”承载着极为严肃的教育使命,其为孩子们的健康成长提供不可或缺的身体和精神养料。“玩”是义务教育阶段学校体育的灵魂。因此,应利用“双减”政策的契机,让“学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣”,通过“玩”将“被动体育”变为“主动体育”。 北京师范大学毛振明认为 ,须从新时代中国发展的高度审视中国教育的现实问题以及“双减”的深刻意涵。“双减”既是需要把握的“机”又是必须警惕的“危”。应通过“双减”助力补齐学生体质健康短板,建设体教融合相关特色学校,实现体育课程“教会、勤练、常赛”,促进学生体育学业评价和升学体育考试的科学化,使体育与劳动、国防、安全、科技、艺术教育相结合。 上海体育学院唐炎认为 ,学校体育欲从“双减”政策产生的潜在时间中获取属于自己的实际时间,高等体育院系、学校体育研究院所和各级体育教研机构应紧密合作,按项目构建从基本动作技能到专项运动技能的一体化运动技能等级标准。中小学应在体育课程安排上打破按现有行政编班开展体育教学的方式,按项目兴趣编班上体育课,招聘项目特长优势明显的毕业生为体育教师,参照“教会、勤练、常赛”的学校体育工作新要求,重新规划校园体育活动的开展方式。 华东师范大学汪晓赞认为 ,“双减”政策下学校体育应做到“三个坚守”:坚守学校体育的主阵地,让运动场更有“温度”;坚守青少年体质健康下降的底线,让全民共享学校体育的“红利”;坚守以体育人的功能与价值,让学生享受体育带来的“乐趣”。同时,应做到“三个突破”:突破固有教育思维,从“传统体育”向“新时代体育”转变;突破固有教学模式,从“孤军奋战”向“家校社联动”转变;突破固有评价体系,从“单一评价”向“综合评价”转变。 浙江师范大学邵伟德认为 ,应基于“双减”政策为改革课外体育活动提供的契机,形成“一主体、二主线、三保障”的课外体育活动质量提升路径,即:以“运动俱乐部”为主体,以“运动竞赛”“分层管理”为主线,以“政策规范”“学校支持”“校内外合作”为保障,协同提升课外体育活动质量。 上海市新中高级中学徐阿根认为 ,“双减”政策背景下学校体育应在体育教学理念与方法、体育课程设置与内容、学校体育活动与竞赛等方面优化实践策略,为“构建教育良好生态,促进学生全面发展、健康成长”奠定基础。


    Abstract: On July 24, 2021, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Further Reducing the Homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden of Students in Compulsory Education (referred to as the "Double Reduction" policy).In order to interpret the deep impact of the "Double Reduction" policy on the health development of school sports and teenagers, as well as the response to school sports, 6 domestic experts were organized to conduct special discussions on the "'Double Reduction' policy and the development of school sports" in the form of written discussion.Ren Hai from Beijing Sports University believes that the core problem of school sports is how to make students become active from passive participation.The "not serious""play" carries a very serious educational mission and provides indispensable physical and spiritual nourishment for the healthy growth of children."Play" is the soul of school physical education in the compulsory education stage.Therefore, the advantage of the policy of "Double Reduction" should be taken to let "students enjoy fun in physical exercise" and turn "passive sports" into "active sports" through "play".Mao Zhenming from Beijing Normal University holds that the practical problems of Chinese education and the profound meaning of "Double Reduction" should be examined from the perspective of China's development in the new era."Double Reduction" policy is not only the "opportunity" needed to be grasped but also the "danger" to be vigilant on.Students should be made up for the physical health through "Double Reduction" policy, the specialized schools were built with the integration of sport and education, "teaching, regular practice and often competition" of sports courses were realized and students' academic evaluation of physical education and the evaluation for entrance examination were promoted, combining physical education with labor, national defense, security, science and technology and art education.Tang Yan from Shanghai University of Sport believes that school physical education should use the actual time from the potential time obtained from the "Double Reduction" policy.That is, sports departments in higher education, school sports research institutes and physical education teaching and research institutions at all levels should closely cooperate to establish the integrated sports skills level standards, according to the sports construction from the basic action skills to special sports skills.Primary and secondary schools must break the existing physical education curriculum arrangement to carry out physical education teaching; rather, they should follow the principles of sports interest to organize teaching, and those graduate with obvious sports advantage can be recruited to be the primary and secondary school physical education teachers, who could replan the way of campus sports activities, with reference to the new school sports work requirements of "teaching, regular practice and often competition".Wang Xiaozan from East China Normal University considers that with the "Double Reduction" policy, school sports should do "three stick-to": stick to the main position of school sports to make the sports field a warm place; stick to the bottom line of avoiding youth physical health's declining and share the good of school sports for all; stick to the function and value of sports and let students enjoy the "fun" of sports.At the same time, "three breakthroughs" should be achieved: break through the inherent educational thinking, that is, "traditional sports" should be transformed to "new era sports"; break through the inherent teaching mode, i.e., we should begin from "lone fighting" to "home-school-social linkage"; break through the inherent evaluation system, that is, "single evaluation" should be changed to "comprehensive evaluation".Shao Weide from Zhejiang Normal University thinks "a main body, two main lines, three guarantees" of the quality of extracurricular sports activities path should be formed, namely, "sports club" as the main body, "sports competitions" and "hierarchical management"as the main lines, and "policy regulations", "school support" and "internal and external school cooperation " as the guarantee to improve the quality of extracurricular sports activities, based on the "Double Reduction" policy for the reform of extracurricular sports activities.Xu Agen from Shanghai Xinzhong Senior High School believes that, the practice strategy of school physical education should be optimized in terms of sports teaching concept and methods, physical education curriculum and content, school sports activities and competitions under the background of "Double Reduction" policy, so as to lay the foundation for "building a good ecology of education and promoting the all-round development and healthy growth of students".


