




廖开放, 高崇, 杨威, 李博, 闫琪, 黎涌明. 基于速度的力量训练:应用基础与训练效果[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(11): 90-104. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.009
引用本文: 廖开放, 高崇, 杨威, 李博, 闫琪, 黎涌明. 基于速度的力量训练:应用基础与训练效果[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(11): 90-104. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.009
LIAO Kaifang, GAO Chong, YANG Wei, LI Bo, YAN Qi, LI Yongming. Velocity Based Training: Application Foundation and Training Effects[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(11): 90-104. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.009
Citation: LIAO Kaifang, GAO Chong, YANG Wei, LI Bo, YAN Qi, LI Yongming. Velocity Based Training: Application Foundation and Training Effects[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(11): 90-104. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.11.009


Velocity Based Training: Application Foundation and Training Effects

  • 摘要: 基于速度的力量训练(Velocity Based Training,VBT)是利用速度与最大力量百分比(%1RM)、速度与动作重复次数、速度与疲劳的强相关关系,制定、监控和调整力量训练负荷的新方法,具有实时性、准确性和普适性特点。通过系统检阅Web of Science、PubMed和中国知网等数据库的有关研究文献,从应用基础和训练效果方面对VBT的研究证据进行梳理和分析。结果显示:①常用的多关节力量训练动作的平均速度/平均推动速度均与%1RM呈强负相关关系,构建的个体速度与%1RM关系模型能使动作速度精确关联%1RM;②速度损失百分比与重复次数百分比呈强正相关关系,能够准确利用两者的关系模型推算特定速度区间的完成次数;③速度损失百分比与疲劳关系紧密,能量化疲劳和刺激水平,控制力量训练中过度疲劳带来的负面效应;④VBT能有效提升力量水平,相比传统力量训练方法,VBT能在疲劳程度和训练量更小的情况下提升运动表现;⑤VBT是实现力量训练科学化的重要途径,相关科学研究和实践应用领域应对其给予更多关注。


    Abstract: Velocity based training (VBT) is a contemporary new method of resistance training that enables accurate and objective prescription of resistance training intensity and volumes in real time based on the perfect relationship between movement velocity and%1RM (percentage of 1 maximal strength), repetitions and fatigue. The evidences on foundation and training effects of VBT are summarized and analyzed from PubMed, Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). The results show: A strong linear relationship exists between the mean velocity/mean propulsive velocity and%1RM in multi-joint resistance training movements, and velocity can be adopted to estimate the intensity (%1RM) based on the individual load and velocity profile; There is a strong correlation between the percentage of velocity loss (VL) and the percentage of repetitions, and the relationship model can be used to accurately calculate the repetitions; The VL can be used to assess the level of efforts and fatigue, and limit the negative effects of excessive fatigue in resistance training; Compared with the traditional percentage-based resistance training, VBT can improve the athletic performance better with lower fatigue and training volume; VBT is likely to become a new trend of resistance training in the future. Future research in sports science should focus more on VBT in China.


