




刘煜泽. 民国时期“加油”的词义演变考——以其在体育运动中的应用为中心[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(12): 71-76. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.008
引用本文: 刘煜泽. 民国时期“加油”的词义演变考——以其在体育运动中的应用为中心[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(12): 71-76. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.008
LIU Yuze. Semantic Evolution of "Jiayou" and Its Use in Sports During the Period of the Republic of China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(12): 71-76. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.008
Citation: LIU Yuze. Semantic Evolution of "Jiayou" and Its Use in Sports During the Period of the Republic of China[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(12): 71-76. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.008


Semantic Evolution of "Jiayou" and Its Use in Sports During the Period of the Republic of China

  • 摘要: “加油”本义为“添加油类”,其引申义“进一步努力”在现代汉语中常被用于鼓励的场合,尤其是在体育运动中被用于鼓励运动员。在民国时期,“加油”作为清华学校食堂俚语,原指在咸菜中添加香油,后逐渐在清华学校体育运动中被用于鼓励运动员,产生“进一步努力”的含义,经历从食堂俚语到赛场助威口号、从口语到书面语的转变,“加油”新义趋于固化,并通过校际体育交流活动传播至全国,从鼓励运动员到鼓励大众,其使用领域逐渐不限于体育运动。“加油”词义演变的主要原因:“加油”一词本身具备引申出“进一步努力”含义的条件,中国近代体育事业发展对语言发展提出了新需求,而清华学校为“加油”的词义演变提供了独特的使用语境。


    Abstract: The original meaning of "jiayou(加油)" is "to add oil", and its extended meaning "to make further efforts" is often used on occasions to encourage somebody in modern Chinese, especially the ones to encourage athletes in sports. In the 1920s, "jiayou" was a slang used in the canteen of Tsinghua School, originally referring to adding sesame oil to pickles. Subsequently, it gradually became popular in sports in Tsinghua School, which was used to encourage athletes and produced the meaning of "making further efforts". Through the transformation from canteen slang to stadium cheering slogans and from oral language to written language, the new meaning of "jiayou" tends to be solidified, and spread to the whole country through inter-school competitions. From encouraging athletes to encouraging the public, its application is gradually not limited to sports. The reasons for the evolution of the meaning of "jiayou" mainly are two: the first is that the word "jiayou" has the conditions to have the extended meaning of "making further efforts", the second is the development of modern sports in China are provided for the demand of language development, and at the same time, Tsinghua School entertains a unique context for the semantic evolution of "jiayou".


