




冯孟辉, 郭玉成, 刘韬光. 原始社会生活中的武术内容——基于北方岩画的考释[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(12): 77-90. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.009
引用本文: 冯孟辉, 郭玉成, 刘韬光. 原始社会生活中的武术内容——基于北方岩画的考释[J]. 上海体育学院学报 , 2021, 45(12): 77-90. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.009
FENG Menghui, GUO Yucheng, LIU Taoguang. Wushu Content in Primitive Social Life: Textual Research Based on Northern Rock Paintings[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(12): 77-90. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.009
Citation: FENG Menghui, GUO Yucheng, LIU Taoguang. Wushu Content in Primitive Social Life: Textual Research Based on Northern Rock Paintings[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2021, 45(12): 77-90. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2021.12.009


Wushu Content in Primitive Social Life: Textual Research Based on Northern Rock Paintings

  • 摘要: 岩画是刻绘在岩壁上的历史文化遗产,具有重要的史料价值。中国北方岩画中射箭、搏斗、战争等内容是研究北方武术原始形态的重要史料。采用历史学、图像学、考古学等方法,在论证岩画中武术内容研究的学理依据、梳理北方岩画概况的基础上认为,北方岩画反映了原始社会时期武术的技术方法、器物文化、集体操演、战场协同使用等。北方岩画中的武术内容呈现出早期人类在原始思维主导下将武术与祭祀文化融合互摄的过程,集体祭祀为武术提供了在集体活动中出现的契机。萨满文化中的巫师和巫术是武术与族群文化深度融合的重要影响因素。北方岩画中的武术内容具有地域性审美特征,反映出地域文化对武术技术与器物文化发展的影响。


    Abstract: Rock paintings, which are historical and cultural heritage carved on rock walls, entertain important historical value. The archery, fighting, and war carved in the images of rock paintings are important historical materials for studying the primitive Wushu culture in the north. The archeology, history, and iconography are used to study the primitive Wushu in the northern rock art images, trying to find its theoretical basis. It is believed that northern rock paintings reflect the technical methods, utensil culture, collective exercises and battlefield cooperative use of Wushu in the primitive society. The Wushu in northern rock paintings show the process of integrating Wushu and sacrificial culture under the guidance of primitive thinking, collective sacrifice provides an opportunity for Wushu to appear in collective activities; shamanists and witchcraft in shaman culture are important reasons for the deep integration of Wushu and ethnic culture. The Wushu content in northern rock paintings has regional aesthetic characteristics, which reflects the influence of regional culture on the development of Wushu technology and utensil culture.


