




刘韬光,郭玉成.宋明理学道统论视域下传统武术传承思想论绎[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(7):42-52. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.02.18.0004
引用本文: 刘韬光,郭玉成.宋明理学道统论视域下传统武术传承思想论绎[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(7):42-52. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.02.18.0004
LIU Taoguang, GUO Yucheng. Inheritance Thought of Traditional Wushu from the Perspective of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(7): 42-52. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.02.18.0004
Citation: LIU Taoguang, GUO Yucheng. Inheritance Thought of Traditional Wushu from the Perspective of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(7): 42-52. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.02.18.0004


Inheritance Thought of Traditional Wushu from the Perspective of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties

  • 摘要: 基于宋明理学道统论分析传统武术传承思想。其主要内容是仁义为本、德贯始终,厘定统序、标示正宗,以心传心、身体心验,技以承道、技道参融。其形成理路是,厚植传统武术师道尊严,深化传统武术谱系观念,发展传统武术礼制秩序,渗融传统武术义理范畴。其历史影响主要表现为:既培植了行仁由义的德性自觉,也滋生了假借仁义的伪妄现象;既深化了拳种门派的统序意识,也形成了相轻互斥的排他心理;既强化了体认自得的工夫方法,也催生了自以为是的偏蔽己见;既承继了志道精技的文化传统,也养成了离技论道的空谈陋习。辩证扬弃传统武术传承思想,回到其主要形成与发展的历史文化场域进行多维审思,有助于更好地立足根本、返本开新,为优化新时期武术传承发展实践提供经验智慧。


    Abstract: Based on the theory of Confucian Orthodoxy in Song and Ming dynasties, this paper deeply analyzes the thought of traditional Wushu inheritance, believing that its main content is benevolence and righteousness as the basis, morality as the starting point, the defining order of the system, the marking orthodoxy, the spread of the heart through the heart, the body experience through the heart, the Tao inheritance through skills, and the integration of skills with Tao. Its formation path is to strengthen the absolute authority of teachers in traditional Wushu practitioners and the concept of traditional Wushu pedigree, and to develop the traditional Wushu ritual order and integrate the traditional Wushu doctrine category. Its historical influence is mainly manifested as not only cultivating the virtue consciousness of benevolence, but also breeding the false phenomenon under the guise of benevolence and righteousness. Besides, it not only deepens the sense of order of the Wushu styles, but also leads to the exclusive psychology of mutual exclusion. In addition, it not only strengthens the method of self-recognition, but also produces a biased self-righteousness. Finally, it inherits the cultural tradition of ambition and skill, on the other hand develops the bad habit of empty talk. Therefore, the inheritance thought of traditional Wushu should be sublated in the correct way and returned to the historical and cultural field of its main formation and development, which will help provide experience and wisdom for the practice of Wushu inheritance and development in the new era by standing on the ground, returning to the original and opening up a new leaf.


