




尚力沛,俞鹏飞,王厚雷,等.论体育与健康课程中的跨学科学习[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(11):9-18. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.05.08.0004
引用本文: 尚力沛,俞鹏飞,王厚雷,等.论体育与健康课程中的跨学科学习[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(11):9-18. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.05.08.0004
SHANG Lipei, YU Pengfei, WANG Houlei, CHENG Chuanyin. Interdisciplinary Learning in Physical Education and Health Curriculum[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(11): 9-18. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.05.08.0004
Citation: SHANG Lipei, YU Pengfei, WANG Houlei, CHENG Chuanyin. Interdisciplinary Learning in Physical Education and Health Curriculum[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(11): 9-18. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.05.08.0004


Interdisciplinary Learning in Physical Education and Health Curriculum

  • 摘要: 体育课程中跨学科学习是让学生综合运用2种或2种以上的学科知识和技能理解现实生活和跨学科地解决问题。体育与健康课程中的跨学科学习需要聚焦跨学科主题学习活动,基本要求是贴合学生的生活需求、强调各种情境创设、注重“五育”的相互融合、学生身体力行深度参与,其基本过程是“搭建跨学科学习任务群,提出问题驱动学生学习,教师引导学生解决问题,综合评价学生学习效果”。体育与健康课程中实施跨学科学习的保障路径包括:体育课程实施者转变对学生知识学习的传统认知;整合体育课程与其他课程相互联系的知识资源;多方面着力提升体育教师的跨学科教学思维与能力;立足体育与健康学科核心素养找准“五育”融合的基点;防范体育课程中实施跨学科学习出现各种虚假现象。


    Abstract: Interdisciplinary learning in physical education curriculum allows students to use knowledge or skills of two or more desciplines to understand real life and solve problems in an interdisciplinary way. The basic requirements for its implementation are to meet the needs of students' life and attatch importance to the creation of various situations and the mutual integration of "the five educations" (that is, the education of morals, intelligence, physical fitness, work and aesthetics), as well as the deep immersion in the learning participation. The interdisciplinary learning in physical education curriculum needs to focus on the interdisciplinary thematic learning activities, in which the basic process includes "building interdisciplinary learning task group, putting forward problems to drive students' learning, teachers guiding students to solve problems, and comprehensively evaluating students' learning effects". For its implemantation guarantee, the curriculum implementer is required to change the traditional cognition on students' knowledge requisition, integrate knowledge resources of the related courses, promote the interdisciplinary teaching thinking and ability of PE teachers in various aspects, pinpoint the basic points of "the five educations" based on the core litearcy of sports and health discipline, and prevent all sorts of false phenomena in the interdisciplinary learning of physical education curriculum.


