




赵娟.古希腊运动人体的艺术表现与奥林匹克视觉的制造——论“掷铁饼者”视觉形象的建构逻辑[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(12):48-57. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.06.13.0002
引用本文: 赵娟.古希腊运动人体的艺术表现与奥林匹克视觉的制造——论“掷铁饼者”视觉形象的建构逻辑[J].上海体育学院学报,2022,46(12):48-57. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.06.13.0002
ZHAO Juan. Art of Human Body in Sport in Ancient Greece and Its Images in the Olympic Visual: On the Constructing Logic of Sports Images with a Case Study of "Discobolus"[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(12): 48-57. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.06.13.0002
Citation: ZHAO Juan. Art of Human Body in Sport in Ancient Greece and Its Images in the Olympic Visual: On the Constructing Logic of Sports Images with a Case Study of "Discobolus"[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2022, 46(12): 48-57. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.06.13.0002


Art of Human Body in Sport in Ancient Greece and Its Images in the Olympic VisualOn the Constructing Logic of Sports Images with a Case Study of "Discobolus"

  • 摘要: 体育视觉形象取材于体育运动,是体育精神的重要载体,在体育文化的传播中产生深远影响。以“掷铁饼者”这一标志性的全球体育视觉形象为考察对象,综合运用风格学、图像学方法,揭示古希腊运动人体艺术的表现特征及其与奥林匹克运动之间的联系。认为:古希腊奥林匹克运动及其艺术根植于共同的社会历史和文化生活,奥林匹克运动中人体迸发出的力量和美是古希腊雕塑艺术表现的核心主题。希腊艺术中运动人体的塑造依循古希腊的美学原则和理想,并在隐匿的平面特征中承续源自古埃及的视觉传统。《掷铁饼者》展现的理想人体的塑造方式实现了奥林匹克运动与古典艺术的高度融合,同时又超越了运动和现实本身,成为美的理想表征,从而使该形象在奥林匹克文化中不断被重新演绎,以高度固化的象征形态在各种媒介中广泛传播,成为奥林匹克乃至体育文化的视觉符号。


    Abstract: Originated from sports, sports images are important representation of the sport spirit, playing a profound role in the dissemination of sport culture. Based on the "Discobolus", a global iconic sports image, the characteristics of athletic body art in ancient Greece and their relationship with the Olympic Games are explored by stylistics and iconography. Rooted in the shared history and cultural life in ancient Greece, power and beauty of human body in Olympia became a central theme in the art of sculpture in ancient Greece. The image construction of the athletic human body in Greek art followed the aesthetic principles and ideals of ancient Greece, inheriting the Egyptian visual tradition in its concealed flat features. The production of ideal human body represented in Discobolus, made the integration of Olympic sports and ancient art perfectly well; in th meanwhile, it surpassed sport and reality, becoming the representation of beauty. It was this "ideal beauty" that made the image widely disseminated in various media, with a highly fixed symbolic form, and became the visual symbol of the Olympics and even the sport culture.


