




凌雅燕,白晋湘.重构差序格局:传统武术组织关系演变的民族志——以1978—2022年闽南桃源县的实践为例[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(7):31-41. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.07.18.0001
引用本文: 凌雅燕,白晋湘.重构差序格局:传统武术组织关系演变的民族志——以1978—2022年闽南桃源县的实践为例[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(7):31-41. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.07.18.0001
LING Yayan, BAI Jinxiang. Reconstruct the Differential Mode of Association: An Ethnography of Changes in Traditional Martial Arts Organizational Relations: Based on the Practice of Taoyuan County of Southern Fujian from 1978 to 2022[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(7): 31-41. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.07.18.0001
Citation: LING Yayan, BAI Jinxiang. Reconstruct the Differential Mode of Association: An Ethnography of Changes in Traditional Martial Arts Organizational Relations: Based on the Practice of Taoyuan County of Southern Fujian from 1978 to 2022[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(7): 31-41. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.07.18.0001


Reconstruct the Differential Mode of Association: An Ethnography of Changes in Traditional Martial Arts Organizational RelationsBased on the Practice of Taoyuan County of Southern Fujian from 1978 to 2022

  • 摘要: 当前,社会各界对于传统武术组织关系的认知往往囿于“门户之见”“门户之争”等刻板印象,对于社会转型背景下传统武术组织互动中丰富多样的经验事实及内在逻辑鲜有关注。通过对闽南桃源县(化名)传统武术组织40多年发展历程的民族志叙事,发现其关系形态经历了“各自为战”→“横向联合”→“纵向分层”的渐次转型,在深层逻辑上暗含了“伦理性差序格局”→“市场性差序格局”→“权力性差序格局”的选择性重构。以时间为经、以叙事为纬,层层揭示其关系演变的逻辑,为优化传统武术组织的社会治理提供启示:在传统武术组织的治理过程中,武术协会应平衡各方人物关系,以维系组织关系的和谐;体育行政部门应“放管结合”,避免因管理失序引发组织关系冲突;各治理主体通过礼治与法治相结合,共同推动传统武术组织和谐发展。


    Abstract: At present, the cognition of traditional martial arts organizations in all walks of life is often limited by stereotypes such as "sect views" or "sect disputes", no hints of the rich and varied empirical facts and internal logic in the interaction of organizations under the background of social transformation. Through the ethnographic narrative of the development of traditional martial arts organizations in Taoyuan County (pseudonym) in southern Fujian for more than 40 years, it is found that their relationship forms have undergone the gradual transformation of "fighting separately" →"horizontal union" → "vertical stratification", which implies the selective reconstruction of "ethical differential mode of association" → "market-oriented differential mode of association" → "power-oriented differential mode of association" in its deep logic. By taking time as the longitude and narrative as the altitude, the logic of the relationship changes is revealed, providing enlightenment for optimizing social governance of traditional martial arts organizations. That is, martial arts associations need to balance the relationship between all parties to maintain the harmony of organizational relations; sports administrative departments should watch the "combination of release and management" to avoid conflicts in organizational relations caused by disorderly management. And, all governance entities can jointly promote their harmonious development through the combination of etiquette cultivation and rule of law.


