




骆雷,李汉熙,张孟艳.“为城而来”还是“因赛而聚”?:城市吸引力与赛事认同对异地观众行为意向的影响机理[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(10):26-37. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.09.20.0002
引用本文: 骆雷,李汉熙,张孟艳.“为城而来”还是“因赛而聚”?:城市吸引力与赛事认同对异地观众行为意向的影响机理[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(10):26-37. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.09.20.0002
LUO Lei, LI Hanxi, ZHANG Mengyan. "Come for the City" or "Gather for the Event"?: Influence Mechanism of City Attractiveness and Event Identification on Behavioral Intention of Off-site Audiences[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(10): 26-37. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.09.20.0002
Citation: LUO Lei, LI Hanxi, ZHANG Mengyan. "Come for the City" or "Gather for the Event"?: Influence Mechanism of City Attractiveness and Event Identification on Behavioral Intention of Off-site Audiences[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(10): 26-37. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.09.20.0002


"Come for the City" or "Gather for the Event"?: Influence Mechanism of City Attractiveness and Event Identification on Behavioral Intention of Off-site Audiences

  • 摘要:
    目的  探究城市吸引力、赛事认同对异地观众行为意向的影响机理。
    方法  以367名赛事异地观众为调查样本,采用文献资料、问卷调查和基于偏最小平方法的结构方程建模(PLS-SEM)等方法进行模型建构与研究假设的检验。
    结果  赛事认同在城市吸引力与再次观赛意向、赛事推荐意向的影响关系中具有完全中介效应,在城市吸引力对城市重游意向、城市推荐意向的影响关系中具有补充性中介效应。
    建议  开展异地观众的市场调查,了解异地观众在观赛行为意向、赛事认同等方面的消费特征,做好异地观众的市场细分和差异化营销;重点改善和提升赛事举办地周边的自然景观与旅游吸引力;在发布赛事与旅游信息方面,赛事主办方可与城市文旅企业进行联合设计与产品开发;借助大数据技术为异地观众提供定制化信息推送和赛事服务;利用全媒体平台做好城市形象与赛事形象的整合营销。


    Abstract: The causal relationship among city attractiveness, sports event identification and behavioral intention was explored. Data was collected from 367 audiences from other cities. Literature review, surveys and the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) were adopted. It was found that sports event identification played a full mediating role in the influence of city attractiveness on the intention of rewatching and recommending events intention, while sports event identification played a complementary mediating role in the influence of city attractiveness on the intention of revisitting and recommending cities. Several suggestions were proposed as follows: Event organizers should carry out market research for market segmentation and differentiated marketing. Focus should be on improving the natural scenery of the surrounding areas of the venues. In terms of the release of events and tourism information, event organizers could, in collaboration with tourism enterprises, design and develop products together. Big data technology shall be adopted to provide customized services for the off-site audiences. And the omni-media platform could be taken to conduct integrated marketing of the city image and the sports event image.


