




崔莹,陈佩杰.吴蕴瑞体育思想的渊源考论与价值审思[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(12):12-20. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.19.0001
引用本文: 崔莹,陈佩杰.吴蕴瑞体育思想的渊源考论与价值审思[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(12):12-20. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.19.0001
CUI Ying, CHEN Peijie. Origin and Value of WU Yunrui's Thoughts about Physical Education[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(12): 12-20. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.19.0001
Citation: CUI Ying, CHEN Peijie. Origin and Value of WU Yunrui's Thoughts about Physical Education[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(12): 12-20. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.19.0001


Origin and Value of WU Yunrui's Thoughts about Physical Education

  • 摘要: 吴蕴瑞是中国体育教育事业的开拓者、现代体育科学理论的奠基人之一,其体育思想的形成过程可分为启蒙期(树立科学化的教育观念)、融合期(传播自然体育思想)、成熟期(提倡体育科学化、学术化与普及化)3个阶段,其倡导的“心身一元说”、体育科学化与学术化以及自然体育思想为中国体育教育发展提供了精神遗产,也蕴含着“文化自信、民族凝聚、全民健康”的精神价值,进一步丰富了中华体育精神的核心要义。


    Abstract: WU Yunrui, the pioneer of Chinese physical education and one of the founders of modern Chinese sports science theory, forms his thoughts about physical education following the stages from preliminary (during which his concept of scientific education was established), integration (during which the thought about natural physical education was spread) to maturity (during which he advocated scientific, academic and popularized physical education). WU's thoughts, which include "the unity of mind and body", the scientific and academic physical education, as well as natural physical education, has become the valuable spirit heritage of Chinese physical education development. They also reflect the spiritual value of "cultural self-confidence, national cohesion, and national health", and further enrich the core essence of Chinese sportsmanship.


