




刘阳,支慧晶,吴林珍,等.竞走裁判员判罚决策过程中的视觉搜索特征[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(5):41-51. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.22.0004
引用本文: 刘阳,支慧晶,吴林珍,等.竞走裁判员判罚决策过程中的视觉搜索特征[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(5):41-51. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.22.0004
LIU Yang, ZHI Huijing, WU Linzhen, WANG Min, ZHAI Lin. Visual Search Behaviors in the Penalty Decision-making of Race-walking Referees[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(5): 41-51. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.22.0004
Citation: LIU Yang, ZHI Huijing, WU Linzhen, WANG Min, ZHAI Lin. Visual Search Behaviors in the Penalty Decision-making of Race-walking Referees[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(5): 41-51. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.12.22.0004


Visual Search Behaviors in the Penalty Decision-making of Race-walking Referees

  • 摘要:
    目的 比较不同经验水平和判罚难度条件下,竞走裁判员判罚决策的行为绩效和视觉搜索特征。
    方法 采用眼动追踪技术和专家—新手研究范式,采集被试在竞走执裁判罚时的行为学指标和眼动指标数据。
    结果 行为学指标:专家组正确率均显著高于新手组,反应时显著少于新手。在干扰条件下,新手组正确率显著降低、反应时显著升高,而专家组无显著性差异。眼动指标:专家组的注视时间、注视次数和眼跳次数均显著低于新手。在干扰条件下,新手组的注视时间、注视次数和眼跳次数均显著高于无干扰条件,专家组无显著性差异。兴趣区眼动指标显示,专家组对运动员膝和踝的注视时间显著高于新手组,注视次数显著低于新手组。可视化图像观察到,专家组注视轨迹清晰、注视热点集中;新手组注视轨迹复杂无规律,注视热点分散。
    结论 高水平竞走裁判员具有较好的判罚决策能力和视觉信息加工能力,判罚过程中的视觉搜索更为简洁、高效,抗场外干扰能力强,体现出自上而下的视觉加工特征,表现出专家认知优势。


    Objective  To compare the decision-making ability and visual search behavior differences of race-walking referees under different experience levels and penalty difficulty conditions.
    Methods  Eye tracking technology and expert-novice research paradigm were used to collect behavioral indicators and eye movement indicators of subjects in the decision-making.
    Results  Behavioral indicators: The experts outperformed novices, with both higher accuracy and shorter reaction times. Under the condition of interference, the accuracy of the novices decreased significantly and the reaction time increased significantly, while the experts had no significant differences. Eye movement indicators: The fixation time, fixation count and saccade count of the experts were significantly lower than the novices. Under the interference condition, the fixation time, fixation count and saccade count of the novices were significantly higher than those under the non-interference condition, and there was no significant difference in the experts. The AOI eye movement indicators showed that the fixation time of the experts on the knee and ankle of the athletes was significantly higher than that of novices, and the fixation count was significantly lower than that of novices. The visual images showed that the fixation trajectory of the experts were clear and the fixation hotspots were concentrated while the novices' fixation trajectory was complex and irregular, and the fixation hotspots were scattered.
    Conclusion High-level race-walking referees have good decision-making ability and visual information processing ability. The visual search in the process of ruling is more concise and efficient, and the ability to resist off-site interference is strong. It reflects the top-down processing characteristics and shows the cognitive advantages of experts.


