




张惠彬,肖启贤.新《体育法》下体育赛事视听信息权的规范构造与完善路径[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(10):1-13. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.05.16.0005
引用本文: 张惠彬,肖启贤.新《体育法》下体育赛事视听信息权的规范构造与完善路径[J].上海体育学院学报,2023,47(10):1-13. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.05.16.0005
ZHANG Huibin, XIAO Qixian. Legal Structure and Its Improvement Path of the Audiovisual Information Rights of Sports Events under the New Sports Law[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(10): 1-13. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.05.16.0005
Citation: ZHANG Huibin, XIAO Qixian. Legal Structure and Its Improvement Path of the Audiovisual Information Rights of Sports Events under the New Sports Law[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(10): 1-13. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.05.16.0005


Legal Structure and Its Improvement Path of the Audiovisual Information Rights of Sports Events under the New Sports Law

  • 摘要: 新《体育法》第52条第2款为体育赛事组织者等创设了体育赛事视听信息权。在内部法律构造上,体育赛事视听信息权的客体为体育赛事视听信息,主体为体育赛事组织者和俱乐部等信息提供者,内容包含了固定权、复制权、发行权、广播权和信息网络传播权5项子权利。“营利目的”属于权利的限制性要素。在外部法律构造上,体育赛事视听信息权属于《民法典》第126条规定的“民事主体享有法律规定的其他民事权利和利益”。目前,新《体育法》第52条第2款在规范表述上存在较高的原则性和不确定性,为避免其产生适用上的分歧而沦为体育产业发展背景下的“应景之作”,对于该条文须加以完善,包括调整权利的体系归属、正面界定权利内容、细化权利类型、对目的性要素进行改造以及引入权利限制制度。


    Abstract: Paragragh 2 of Article 52 of the new Sports Law creates the right of audiovisual information of sports events for sports event organisers and other relevant rights holders. In terms of the internal legal structure, the object of the right of audiovisual information of sports events is the audiovisual information of sports events, the subject of the right is the information providers such as sports event organisers and clubs, and the content contains five sub-rights: the right of fixation, the right of reproduction, the right of distribution, the right of broadcasting and the right of information network transmission; while the purpose of profit belongs to the restrictive element of the right. In terms of the external legal structure, the right to the audiovisual information of sports events falls within the scope of Article 126 of the Civil Code, which states that "civil subjects shall enjoy other civil rights and interests as provided for by law". At present, paragragh 2 of Article 52 of the new Sports Law shows a high degree of principle and uncertainty in its legal formulation. To avoid differences in its application, this article must be improved, including the adjustment of the system of rights attribution, the positive definition of the content of rights, the refinement of the types of rights, the transformation of the purposive element and the introduction of the system of restrictive rights.


