




王润斌,王海燕.布里斯班为何会赢?:奥运会主办地遴选的规则修订、制胜之道与镜鉴启示[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(1):36-47. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.06.30.0004
引用本文: 王润斌,王海燕.布里斯班为何会赢?:奥运会主办地遴选的规则修订、制胜之道与镜鉴启示[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(1):36-47. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.06.30.0004
WANG Runbin, WANG Haiyan. Why did Brisbane Win:The Changing Rules, Winning Principles and Learning Inspirations During the Selection of the Olympic Hosts[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(1): 36-47. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.06.30.0004
Citation: WANG Runbin, WANG Haiyan. Why did Brisbane Win:The Changing Rules, Winning Principles and Learning Inspirations During the Selection of the Olympic Hosts[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(1): 36-47. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.06.30.0004


Why did Brisbane Win:The Changing Rules, Winning Principles and Learning Inspirations During the Selection of the Olympic Hosts

  • 摘要: 运用文献资料等方法对布里斯班申办2032年奥运会的官方文本进行解读,剖析国际奥委会奥运会主办地遴选新规则。认为:从竞争性投标到协商性对话构成了规则转变的里程碑事件;清晰的愿景与遗产战略、坚定的政府与公众支持、稳固的经济与社会基础与周全的可持续发展方案构成了布里斯班获胜的战略因素;科学的场馆规划设计、稳妥的财务预算方案、强大的赛事交付能力构成了布里斯班获胜的技术因素。布里斯班的成功为中国再次申奥提供了重要的镜鉴启示:掌握规则,注意申奥改革动向;把握重点,明确申办制胜因素;因地制宜,精选申奥城市(群);因时而动,把握申奥时间节点。


    Abstract: Using the methods of literature review, the new rules of selection of Olympic hosts are analyzed by the International Olympic Committee via the interpretation of the official texts of Brisbane's bid for 2032 Olympic Games. It is held that the change of rules from competitive bidding to consultative dialogue constitutes a milestone event. It is believed that a clear vision legacy strategy, strong public support from the government, a solid economic and social foundation and a good sustainability plan constitute the strategic factors for Brisbane's victory while the scientific venue planning and design, sound financial budget plan and strong event delivery ability constitute its technical factors. The success of Brisbane provides an important implication for China to bid for the Olympics again, that is, to understand the rules and the reform trend of the bid, grasp the key points and the winning factors of the bid, adapt to local conditions and select the urban areas of the bid, and finally grasp the time node of the bid.


