




霍传颂,郝勤.国际体育参与对民族国家意识的建构——基于民国时期中国参与远东运动会和奥运会的考察[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(6):61-69. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.07.21.0003
引用本文: 霍传颂,郝勤.国际体育参与对民族国家意识的建构——基于民国时期中国参与远东运动会和奥运会的考察[J].上海体育大学学报,2024,48(6):61-69. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.07.21.0003
HUO Chuansong, HAO Qin. Construction of Nation-state Consciousness Through International Sports Participation: Based on the Investigation of China's Participation in the Far Eastern Championship Games and Olympic Games During the Republic of China Period[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(6): 61-69. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.07.21.0003
Citation: HUO Chuansong, HAO Qin. Construction of Nation-state Consciousness Through International Sports Participation: Based on the Investigation of China's Participation in the Far Eastern Championship Games and Olympic Games During the Republic of China Period[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2024, 48(6): 61-69. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2023.07.21.0003


Construction of Nation-state Consciousness Through International Sports ParticipationBased on the Investigation of China's Participation in the Far Eastern Championship Games and Olympic Games During the Republic of China Period

  • 摘要: 20世纪初,中国在世界资本主义洪流的席卷下开启了构建现代民族国家的历程。受西方文化的影响,现代体育在清末民初传入中国之际即被引以为“救国强种”的有效途径,并与政治紧密结合。借助文献资料,运用史学研究的基本方法,基于中国在20世纪上半叶的远东运动会及奥运会参与史,发现在民国时期通过国际体育参与,包括收回国人体育领导权、积极参与国际体育竞争等,强化了中国的独立自主意识,推动了民众参与国家政治议程,塑造了国民的国家意识和民族认同,并借助远东运动会和奥运会在争取国际合法权益、表达国家立场及输出民族传统体育文化等行动中推进了作为现代民族国家的外交进程,表达了参与国际事务、融入国际社会的意愿。


    Abstract: At the beginning of the 20th century, China, swept by the tide of world capitalism, embarked on the process of building a modern nation-state. Influenced by Western culture, modern sports were regarded as an effective way to "save the country and strengthen the nation" when they were introduced to China in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, and were closely associated with politics. With a large amount of literature and the basic methods of historical research, based on China's participation in the Far Eastern Championship Games and Olympic Games in the first half of the 20th century, it is found that this international sports participation during the Republic of China period strengthened China's sense of independence and autonomy, promoted public participation in the national political agenda, and shaped the national consciousness and national identity of the people by reclaiming the leadership of the Chinese people in sports and actively participating in international sports competition. Also, with the participation in the Far Eastern Championship Games and Olympic Games, the diplomatic process as a modern nation state has been promoted, the willingness to participate in international affairs has been expressed, China then integrated into the international community through the actions such as fighting for international legal rights, expressing the national stance, and spreading the traditional ethnic sports and culture.


