Citation: | LIU Liang, ZHAO Xiaohui, XU Fengping. Modernization of Organizational Forms: The Proposition, Theoretical Explanation and Policy Consideration of the New "Whole Nation System" for Sport[J]. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2023, 47(3): 59-68. DOI: 10.16099/j.sus.2022.01.10.0005 |
Taking "organizational modernization" as a strategic proposition for constructing a new "whole nation system" for sport, it is believed that, organization as a transmission mechanism between the top-level logic and the bottom-level logic of the reform, is the key point to overcome the difficulties of the structure of sports development and the loss in the system. Based on the classification of "the first beneficiaries of organizational activities", the institutionalized organizational entities in the field of sport are divided into five categories: administrative organizations, economic organizations, social organizations, public institutions and task-based organizations, and their attributes are analyzed as well. Focusing on the optimization of inter-organizational relations, the core issues of "organizational modernization" are concluded as follows: the dualism opposition thinking mode should be abandoned ideologically; the collaboration-based cooperative action should be surpassed in the governance practice; new interactive relationship should be formed in the principle of the rule of law. Regarding China's current economic and social development, the policy recommendations for advancing the "modernization of organizational forms" are put forward: ①to grasp the "historical window" and shape the strategic opportunities for reform with key nodes; ②to choose the "Chinese-style path" and emphasize the Party's leading role in reforms; ③to establish "task-based organizations" to enhance the systematic reform from the top-level design; ④to promote the "performance-based governance" to give play to the leverage effect of evaluation and performance accountability.
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